Targeted for taking LOA?

Oct 9, 2020
Hello, and questions! Is it common for management to try and performance out otherwise fantastic team members, due to their necessary LOA’s, intermittent LOA’s, ADA accommodation requests, etc? Basically, is it commonplace for SOME management in some stores to want to trim you off as the piece of fat- just being a human with needs messing up their numbers?

Where is a good place to read about all of the dirty little secrets and ways that some team leads jaw up their sleeves. Lol.
Also, the timeframe during which withholding of information on a TM and then serving them with a Coaching/CCA occurs- how is that legal to do to someone? Aren’t their supposed to be documented, signed coaching and disciplinary act type action before a CCA? A CCA targeted for absences in between an unfortunate lapse in my intermittent LOA due to the nuttiness of COVID19 and my just not being able to go in to my doctor’s office no less.

And I think when management started to see a few absences occur, instead of reaching out to help see what was up, thus keeping their team member (and entire team) strong, they chose to sit back on their laurels and let mistakes and unknown follies add up so that they could persecute me in the end. Like I said, trim the excess fat.

Where do I even begin? There’s no way in heck that I’m getting touch with ANY of target’s hotlines/support Lines of whatever.

I’m livid and feel taken advantage of.
Of course shady shit happens. I have no idea if it's actually happening in your case.

You need to document, without them knowing, as many conversations as you can. Get very, very specific. Times, dates, precise and accurate conversation. If you have stuff on paper that THEY have provided, that's significantly better.

If you go the lawsuit route, even if you're morally correct, you're going to need to prove it. Or at least, prove it reasonably enough that Target will settle rather than see it through.

But I'm not a lawyer, so you may want to ask one first.

As far as documented coachings, that's target policy more than it is law. Your results with that will vary, but in some states, legally they can fire you FOR NO REASON AT ALL AND IT BE PERFECTLY LEGAL WITH NO COACHING, NO COUNSELING, NO NOTHING... JUST GOODBYE! FIRED! Depends on the state. Now, that will never happen in a Target store because they don't want to even risk getting sued whatsoever, therefore regardless of your state, you will see it coming if they are trying to genuinely push you out. The first counseling will be the huge red flag that it's coming.

Also, as far as coachings having to be signed by you? No, not that I am aware of. Some states I guess it's possible because I don't know the law for every state lol, but when I was a team leader, a senior, and an exec... in Florida... team members were never made visibly aware of the actual physical documents that pertained to their coachings. They never saw them.

And you're right to NOT call the hotline. Unless you have something on them that is a genuinely fireable offense and you have it lock down proven, the hotline will just get passed back to the store and depending on their maturity level, they will absolutely 'target' you, no pun intended.

One last thing... I HAVE NO IDEA if you're being taken advantage of or not, but I hope you have the self awareness enough to know that you are... I say this because there were multiple instances of team members that I bent backwards for over the years that if they had to get talked to about anything would get ultra defensive and try to make it about something I did or wasn't doing even though they were 100% in the wrong. I AM NOT SAYING that is what is going on with you. Just take a breath and examine it and look at it from their perspective, then go from there.

Good luck.
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I’m sorry for you going through the situation, or situations, that are compelling you to take LOAs. I know you FEEL you are being singled out, but you aren’t giving us enough details (and I can understand why you may not want to) so we can give you an honest assessment of your situation. At this point, I think @Not My Name has said all that can be said to you about your predicament. Good luck.
Hello, and questions! Is it common for management to try and performance out otherwise fantastic team members, due to their necessary LOA’s, intermittent LOA’s, ADA accommodation requests, etc? Basically, is it commonplace for SOME management in some stores to want to trim you off as the piece of fat- just being a human with needs messing up their numbers?

Where is a good place to read about all of the dirty little secrets and ways that some team leads jaw up their sleeves. Lol.
Also, the timeframe during which withholding of information on a TM and then serving them with a Coaching/CCA occurs- how is that legal to do to someone? Aren’t their supposed to be documented, signed coaching and disciplinary act type action before a CCA? A CCA targeted for absences in between an unfortunate lapse in my intermittent LOA due to the nuttiness of COVID19 and my just not being able to go in to my doctor’s office no less.

And I think when management started to see a few absences occur, instead of reaching out to help see what was up, thus keeping their team member (and entire team) strong, they chose to sit back on their laurels and let mistakes and unknown follies add up so that they could persecute me in the end. Like I said, trim the excess fat.

Where do I even begin? There’s no way in heck that I’m getting touch with ANY of target’s hotlines/support Lines of whatever.

I’m livid and feel taken advantage of.

You are confused about the CCA. A CCA is the documented, signed discipline like act. You have typically been given at least one and often several verbal warnings at that point.

Furthermore your intermittent FMLA can be backdated by your doctor and the LOA administrator so that any coachings related to it as well as the actual absences are removed from your record. Did you do that?

You are responsible for timely handling of LOA administration. The company cannot force you to go to the doctor. The company also must treat all absences fairly among the team. If you are not on valid LOA expect to be coached for absences.
Started back in the later 00s. One must suck up to leadership in order to get sympathy from their store

Stores pretty much document anything they on a TM so they can rotate them out for new hires. There plenty of times I worked sick because I didn't want to get dinged.
Your Tarshit is full of selfish dicks perhaps. Is it a store that performances people out lot? Have you been working there long? Some stores don't want team members working for very long so they can't retire from the company and they always want fresh blood. Let me tell you something the company cares about no one. To them everyone is replaceable and I mean everyone. It's unfortunate you can't record conversations.

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