What has never made sense to me was why there are so many keys. I feel like target should modernize this section and get a smarter key system. They could add fingerprint scanners to so many things and make things so much quicker for team members. They could easily make a all in one system too. They could make it so your fingerprint could clock you in or sign you into a register or unlock the equipment room and lockup. For electronics we should get smart keys that all electronics team members and leaders get using a company such as invue similar to what best buy or micro center does. For the waves and crowns they should add the keypads that crown builds for the machines and give all certified team members codes. I just feel like they could make everyone’s job so much easier if they just put a little bit of money and effort into something pretty simple and smart. This would mean they could also add more security cases as more team members would have keys all the time. Thoughts?