Terrible Communication

May 6, 2020
A couple of scenarios.

At my store a fellow TM is going on medical leave for about a month.

As a courtesy he told his TL a few days ago although he told HR and SD a while ago and they never told that TL.

Another situation is a TM who was going to be gone four days and they told their TL a few days ago.

The TL then made a comment that they had no idea that TM was going to be gone.

The TL stated "I don't keep track of everyone's schedule".

This TL has a tiny department and having one person being gone makes a big difference.

On this upcoming Sunday both the TL and that TM will be gone and I am sure they don't have coverage in that department.
I remember back when my store hired a new high inquisitor/APTL after the old one was caught paying himself a bonus like the High Lords of Minneapolis wouldn't find out lol/lmao...naturally there was zero communication about this and so I was pulling away in the otherwise-deserted backroom one evening when this rando dude pops up out of fuckin nowhere wearing Spongebob pajamas and Apple earbuds (these were the days before the invention of AirPods for any zoomers reading) and I gave him a long hard WTF stare thinking he was either a lost guest looking for the restrooms or more likely a shoplifter hoping to find and nab some high dollar electronics not yet locked up. Blood really introduced himself in the nick of time as I was about 40 more seconds away from giving him a good bonk on the head with a fire extinguisher or a good spritzing with one of those keychain pepper sprays. Later I felt quite foolish having been so slow to realize how and why he had already known which BR aisle I was on and which exact waco I had just scanned.....a reminder that the Inquisition (AP) can scare even those who have nothing to be scared of
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I remember back when my store hired a new high inquisitor/APTL after the old one was caught paying himself a bonus like the High Lords of Minneapolis wouldn't find out lol/lmao...naturally there was zero communication about this and so I was pulling away in the otherwise-deserted backroom one evening when this rando dude pops up out of fuckin nowhere wearing Spongebob pajamas and Apple earbuds (these were the days before the invention of AirPods for any zoomers reading) and I gave him a long hard WTF stare thinking he was either a lost guest looking for the restrooms or more likely a shoplifter hoping to find and nab some high dollar electronics not yet locked up. Blood really introduced himself in the nick of time as I was about 40 more seconds away from giving him a good bonk on the head with a fire extinguisher or a good spritzing with one of those keychain pepper sprays. Later I felt quite foolish having been so slow to realize how and why he had already known which BR aisle I was on and which exact waco I had just scanned.....a reminder that the Inquisition (AP) can scare even those who have nothing to be scared of
SpongeBob pajama pants?

Actually, that's genius - what better way to blend in with the guests, now that our clientele is no longer classier than Walmart's.
Bad communication is the one thing Target is really consistent with across the board. 🤣
At my store at least, there seems to be a distinct separation between opening and closing shifts. Communication is practically zero, which honestly is fine with me because I prefer not to deal with the Day Dwellers.

We have a TM who was bridging the gap for awhile who used to be strictly days. They spilled the tea on day shift shenanigans to me and I was like *damn*. Glad to not be a part of it honestly.
At my store at least, there seems to be a distinct separation between opening and closing shifts. Communication is practically zero, which honestly is fine with me because I prefer not to deal with the Day Dwellers.

We have a TM who was bridging the gap for awhile who used to be strictly days. They spilled the tea on day shift shenanigans to me and I was like *damn*. Glad to not be a part of it honestly.

At my not-Target store it's the exact opposite, morning crue is me and my hoes plus the boomers who range from "employee of the month" to "ok" respectively, AND THEN there's nite crue which is 98.5% dumbass zoomers and one manager who often finds herself the only employee in the building old enough to vote and it is every single bit as cringe as it sounds

I asked said closing manager one time to share some "worst of" cringe tales and so far my favorite is the one about a certain 16 year old who kept pulling a Houdini whenever a customer wanted Gucci perfume or a pair of Oakleys out of the locked display case. The manager quickly got sick of paging her over and over on the walkie without a response so finally she located her one night vicariously by candid camera in the stockroom cramming said Gucci and said Oakleys into her pockets. The manager then quickly sprinted to the stockroom, tiptoed up behind her and bellowed over her shoulder, "WELL HELLO ADRIANA, FANCY SEEING YOU HERE" or something to that effect, jolting her so hard that the new Gucci she had just copped came flying back out her pocket and shattered on the floor. Whelp. I had always wondered why the other managers always exchanged big fat smirks whenever I commented on the heavy reek of perfume that still lingers to this day in that corner of the stockroom...I'd say this one is more of a "best of" cringe tale but I ain't picky when it comes to the closing crue-related tea
Same. TL's all switched departments recently and there was no announcement at all about who went where. At least some of them told their new teams that they are their lead. No internal openings are ever posted.
Ours did too. Can't tell the difference.

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