Archived Texas Compliance

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Oct 12, 2018
How long are lunches, how often do you need to take breaks and lunches, what are the hour restrictions for minors?
Lunches are officially 31 minutes. According to Target’s office rules, you’re supposed to take a 15 minute break every two hours.
Nationwide policy is

Paid 15 every 4 hours
Unpaid 30 every 6, 5 for minors

Idk Texas law if it differs
Fun fact- Texas only requires a 30 minute unpaid meal break as to when you have to go I'd imagine by the 6th hour. I'd check with HR to find the specifics
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All of the red communication boards actually have POGs, and the board with the schedules/missing punches/projected OT/etc actually has a spot for your local meal and rest compliance. It’s pretty much smack dab in the middle of the board.

We have all TMs sign a page that details meal and rest breaks at orientation and I always offer to make a copy of any and all pages a TM signs if they would like it for their personal records.
Fun fact- Texas only requires a 30 minute unpaid meal break as to when you have to go I'd imagine by the 6th hour. I'd check with HR to find the specifics
Before 6th hr.
What they do in the checklanes now is schedule cashiers for 5.5 hrs so they don't have to give them a lunch but they can extend them if there are too many call-outs (which there usually are).
Before 6th hr.
What they do in the checklanes now is schedule cashiers for 5.5 hrs so they don't have to give them a lunch but they can extend them if there are too many call-outs (which there usually are).
My current store is 30 minutes every 5 hours. Cashiers get scheduled for 4.75 hours lol.

Does anyone know how many paid breaks we get?
My current store is 30 minutes every 5 hours. Cashiers get scheduled for 4.75 hours lol.

Does anyone know how many paid breaks we get?
Depends on state but most common is a 15 paid every 4 hours you work. So 1-7 hours is one paid, 8 is 2
TX here.
One 15 for every 4 hrs; a 15 & a 30 min lunch for 6 hrs & over.
At 7.5 you'd get an additional 15.
Correct. And this comes really from just Target being "nice" in the strictest sense of the law.

Texas, like many southern right to work, anti union states, is not required to give you any lunch or rest breaks.

Target, however, like many other employers with half a heart, don't do this, and do give you a lunch and rest breaks.

This article from the Houston Chronicle talks more about it.

I could but I am trying to figure out BEFORE I get there, otherwise I wouldn't have posted this.
Looked up the laws in my state the other day. Ends up we are not required to be given a paid break but most companies still give it to employees.

We are only required to he given a meal break if we work 7.5 hours or more, and the meal should occur prior to the 5th hour. This meal also only needs to be 20 minutes. The frustrating part is that we are still documented for compliance at my store if he hit 5 hours, even if we aren't working 7.5 hours. I'm scheduled for 6-12 next week. I would rather work straight thru and get off 30 minutes early but HR won't let us, saying it's in violation of the law.
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