Archived The store "message boards" stopped working for me

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Nov 26, 2011
I can't remember the official name for it at the moment. The thing where you log in with your TM number and store password, and then you can check out the message board for your department(s), access MySupport, etc.

The last update I see when I log in was the end of July. What happened to it? Was my access restricted or was it replaced with something new?

If I go to the Photo section, I can at least download/print the latest TINV sheets and register scan sheets.
The message board was great. I never needed to be pestered before with Redwire, but, oh well. That's how it is now.
OP, that stuff is in RedWire now. If you can't access the info you need, ask your TL or ETL.
Great thing about red wire too is you can log in from your PDA. That way you don't have to step off the floor to check it.
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