Archived Think of going for GSTL

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May 8, 2013
Hey everyone,
I'm brand new to this site. I've been working at Target for over two years now. I was hired as a cashier, and in a few weeks of working there I was already really good at getting redcards and surveys. After a few months they started letting me help on the sales floor. I would help a lot with reshop, and even zoning sometimes. Then after a year and a few months of working there, I was promoted to Electronics. I was a hard worker over there. Not only was I good at getting red cards, I was also very good at selling attachments as well.

Now they have me basically going back and forth in all three departments. When I'm a cashier I get tons of redcards, I help train newbies, if it's slow I'll always volunteer to help with reshop, zone somewhere or even push calf. If the GSTL is busy, I'll help speed weave, and help other cashiers if they need help. I can usually answer any question. When I'm on the sales floor/electronics I'm constantly helping out anywhere they need me, and always get calls on the floor, answering questions on the walkie, help make sale signs...

I feel I'm one of their best team members. I'm very well liked by mostly everyone. My STL really likes me, and he's even talked highly to me in front of our District Team Leader. My leaders tell me they say a lot of good things about me, and I barley ever get called into the office.

I've really been wanting to become a TL or GSTL/GSA. There is an opening for a GSTL position available in a town pretty close to mine. I'm wandering if I should apply for it or not. I know it's a whole different ball game. I was wandering if I could get some info on what it's like to be a GSTL. Is it really difficult? Is there a lot of pressure? Would the other store call my store and ask a lot of questions about me? Do I go to the other store and talk to them? Would it be a big risk? Any help you guys could give me would be awesome! Thanks so much!
Do you want to be in charge of an entire team of close to 100 people?

Do you want to be accountable for Front End metrics, such as checkout is fast, redcard conversion, and survey scores?

When scores are bad your STL/ETL will be riding your ass, can you work under pressure?

If you answered yes to those 3, you might survive.

Is there pressure? See above.
Is it difficult? Depends who you ask.
Is it a big risk? Yes. Your job is to lead a team and get results. If you can't do that you're out.

Suggested first step is to talk to your department ETL or STL about interest in position. After you receive their blessing go ahead and apply in eHR.
Go for it! Yes you'll be in charge of a large team. Yes you'll be accountable for a lot of things. Yes sometimes it will be hard. But you can't just ride in the backseat the whole time if you want to move up in the company, if that is what you are trying to do.

It's not as bad as it sounds. Personally I don't think it's very difficult but at times there will be pressure if your scores go down.

Like Imerzan said, talk to your ETL and STL about your interest. They will most likely give you the go ahead to apply and then you'll be interviewing.
Thanks for the responses. So I talked with my ETL-HR today, and he said I would need to be "prept" for it, which he said could take several months. I honestly thought, that I could apply for it at that store, and if they were interested then I could go in for an interview. I've been talking about moving up for a while now, and sometimes I feel like they are just making excuses and keep putting things off with it.

Honestly I am ashamed of some of the leaders at my store. Some of them are extremely rude, and talk bad behind peoples backs, and make fun of them. Others I feel goof off a lot and and act like it's all a joke. I know I would be a good leader. I'm very kind and respectful, and don't bad mouth others for their differences. I don't let people walk over me, and if they're rude I'll approach the situation in a positive way with a smile. I strive for success and always work hard to accomplish my tasks as well as help other with theirs.

I honestly don't know where to go from here. Do you guys have any suggestions? Thanks!
You need to play the TL prep game next.

You sound unsure that this is what you want though.
Yeah it is definitely something I want, but once again I would have to try to talk to my leaders about the same old things... I feel like they have no faith in me at all about this, it's frustrating. But they'll promote a cart attendant to a GSTL, who has been there half as long as I have, who is younger than me, and isn't really even professional and doesn't make the best decisions. I actually called the other store before I talked to the ETL and they wrote my name down and said to apply, but now do I even bother applying?
Repeat after me, apply for it! That way you are showing an interested in the job. Then say nothing to your leaders. Wait & see what happens. action speaks louder than words.
You're going about it wrong. You're not playing the workplace politics like you should.

I know it sucks, but we're talking about spot here. That's just how it is.

Hlm, that's true but he still needs permission to transfer.
If they said they want to "prep" you for a couple months, that means develop you. Which means they don't think you are ready.... but you still should apply. Just don't do it in a sneaky way or anything because if your STL isn't behind the move, it won't happen. So you need to continue to pursue this until they say "this is why You are not getting the position, and this is what you need to work on". And you can move on from there.
Look at possible interview questions. Do you have high level answers where you've acted as a leader to your peers? I mentioned my interest in promoting months before I got my position. My then ETL started to train me and put me in positions to take charge and make an impact. A lot of the interview process will be you telling them how you have demonstrated leadership. When they say they want to prep you, it means that they want to give you the opportunity to have experiences to answer those interview questions.

You don't need prep to pass the interview process but with it you have your leadership team backing you and that means a lot.
The prepping is very important for your development. As previously stated, it helps you get the store leadership on your side. While you're obviously in many areas of the store and performing above your core roles, winning them over is key. Another thing, take control of your development by directly asking for feedback. Choose a mentor, someone who isn't treating the job as a joke or acting unprofessional. Go to the STL for help if you need, but asking for feedback on your performance is important. It demonstrates courage and helps you as long as you're willing to follow through. Take their observations, whether you agree with them of not, and focus on them. Return to explain what you have done to improve, seek more feedback. This can also help you with some interview questions in the future. Best of luck!!
Sounds like you would make a great GSTL - it's a job that you'll either love or hate. If you're able to be passionate about it, you'll do well. You will be expected to drive results. When results are not being seen, your ETL will place even more pressure on you to get things done. Conversion is a focus at the group level in many regions, so be prepared to be held accountable for it. When it comes down to it, you are the frontman in driving conversion.
Although you seem very experienced as a global team member, stores look for global leaders to fill TL positions. You need to find a way to develop yourself as a leader to become a more attractive applicant - whether it be seeking out more leadership experience from your STL (Consider to go for GSA first) or mentoring other team members.

Yes it's difficult, and yes there's a lot of pressure, but it can be a very rewarding position - one that you might be completely satisfied with. The other store would deffinitely partner with your ETL-HR to ask questions about you. If they move you further in the process you will go through normal TL interviews (ETL, STL, DTL).
Risk is something that must be taken with any position. The higher the risk, the higher the reward. It all comes down to whether or not you feel accepting that risk is worth the reward.
I've been here just about 5 years and I Just now got trained in cash office and GSA. It was about the ninth time they had talked about making me one. I'm not being hyperbolic. And yes, I am on the cart schedule and the GSA rotation simultaneously. kinda hard to command respect when you mop poo
I've been here just about 5 years and I Just now got trained in cash office and GSA. It was about the ninth time they had talked about making me one. I'm not being hyperbolic. And yes, I am on the cart schedule and the GSA rotation simultaneously. kinda hard to command respect when you mop poo

I'm a GSA only and I still end up mopping poo, pee, puke, etc or even plunging toilets on a regular basis, along with getting carts. We only get a cart attendant during our busy times, so if it's before 2:30 or so, guess who gets to have all the fun?! LOL
I've been here just about 5 years and I Just now got trained in cash office and GSA. It was about the ninth time they had talked about making me one. I'm not being hyperbolic. And yes, I am on the cart schedule and the GSA rotation simultaneously. kinda hard to command respect when you mop poo

I'm a GSA only and I still end up mopping poo, pee, puke, etc or even plunging toilets on a regular basis, along with getting carts. We only get a cart attendant during our busy times, so if it's before 2:30 or so, guess who gets to have all the fun?! LOL

This. Keep in mind: who's gonna clean up **** when the cart attendant is on break?
Well GSTL and GSA are very demanding positions. Be ready to make guests Happy or tell guests who are trying to take advantage of the system the policies. Its definitely a Team leading experience. I spent most of my 8 moths as GSA telling cashiers not to lean, and to find something to do. its good experience though. I think you should go for it and tell you team that are thinking about it.
Ohhh and I working as GSA in an ultra low volume store so i cleaned restrooms 9 times a day and got carts almost every day as well as cash office every morning i worked as GSA. Just saying front end is a good place to be noticed but also gets some of the worst jobs and people
As a GSA, I would not ask anybody to do a job that I would not feel comfortable doing myself.

I did restroom checks. I cleaned up puke, poo, and anything else. Yeah, I would delegate certain tasks to CAs first, but if they needed help, I'd always jump in.
Like Static, during my GSA stint I stepped in for CO, cleaned code browns, covered breaks at service desk/photo, pulled carts when our closing CA called out, took care of equipment/register maintenance, TIPP orders, compiled sales forecasts, scheduling, training all while speed-weaving like Joan Rivers on crack.
Multi-tasking is def a plus.
And caffeine. LOTS of caffeine.
Like Static, during my GSA stint I stepped in for CO, cleaned code browns, covered breaks at service desk/photo, pulled carts when our closing CA called out, took care of equipment/register maintenance, TIPP orders, compiled sales forecasts, scheduling, training all while speed-weaving like Joan Rivers on crack.
Multi-tasking is def a plus.
And caffeine. LOTS of caffeine.

thats why red works in Starbuxs now.
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