Archived TM to TL development: what to expect?

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Nov 23, 2012
So, my direct ETL officially used the "preparing you for TL" speech the other day. Once 4th quarter is over, it looks like he plans to partner me with our STL and a few other ETL's after 4th quarter to work towards progression in the store, meaning a TL position, I believe.

I know I shouldn't be surprised since I was promoted within the store at the ETLs suggestion a few months ago and I knew they had more in mind, but I'm still a little freaked out since I never really saw myself as a TL, lol.

Anyway, how exactly does the process work? I understand eventually there are a series of interviews eventually leading to one with the DTL. But what else? Since he wants to partner me with the leadership, I assume that means mentoring and coaching.

Also, do you interview for a specific TL position or is it general? Will they put you in charge of former peers or do they move you to a different department? Sorry, I really don't know how this all works, and knowledge is power, lol.
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When I became a TL, I had very little development first, so I'm not positive, but if they are prepping you, I would quess they'll make sure you are backroom certified/equipment certified. They'll teach you how to use tools such as DTK, TWT, and online planogram. They might start cross-training you in other areas as well. It is always good for a TL to have a global view of the store and cross-training isn't really possible when you actually become a TL (unless you push really hard for it)

They'll typically move you to a different department, but it really depends on their needs. Even if you think you are interviewing for a backroom TL position, you always want to interview as if it is just a generic TL position. They can easily move you at a moments notice. Target loves to shuffle around TLs when there is a new hire, so even if the backroom TL quits, that doesn't mean the new TL will take their place. Good luck!
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The "mentoring and coaching" was also mentioned to me but never happened. I did interview prep a few times then went straight through the interviews.

My DTL did ask me what TL position I could see myself being successful in.

Of course, I basically had no experience in the position I ended up getting:huh:.
Congratulations. I hope this works out for the best for you.

Just be warned that Target has a lovely habit of talking to team members about developing for TL and interview prep, only for it to be the proverbial carrot on the stick. They give you more work and responsibility without the extra pay, and have no intention of ever promoting you. I've seen this happen with several people at my store, myself included. The TLs and ETLs talk about our current batch of "prep" candidates, and how they will never get promoted to TL.
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Congratulations. I hope this works out for the best for you.

Just be warned that Target has a lovely habit of talking to team members about developing for TL and interview prep, only for it to be the proverbial carrot on the stick. They give you more work and responsibility without the extra pay, and have no intention of ever promoting you. I've seen this happen with several people at my store, myself included. The TLs and ETLs talk about our current batch of "prep" candidates, and how they will never get promoted to TL.
When I promoted from GSA to GSTL, I went through development and interview prep and then the three interviews. There were two TL positions open at that time and they allowed me to choose the one I wanted. It's a good thing, because I would have asked for a transfer or quit if I had to take the other one.
It depends on your store's succession plan. If there is currently no position open or your store TL headcount has been increased, it might just be a general TL interview. The only difference in TL interviews across workcenters is the people you interview with - the interview guides are essentially the same across the board.

More than likely, they'll have you partner with a current leader in the building to help mentor you until your interview. They might put you in charge of some aspects of the business and expect you to lead your peers (managing talent). Ex. Leading the hardlines team during the day/closing, leading a market truck, etc. They will prep you for interviews, but for fairness reasons the position has to be opened up to everyone else. They will interview several other candidates, but so long as you don't set your interviewer on fire, or another interviewee transforms into Christ himself, you should already be their first pick.

These next few weeks before your interviews are extremely important though. Learn, grow, ask questions, take risks, and OWN them in the FACE. The most important advice I can give to you is to try and find the right balance of leadership between your team and your business. They're essentially giving you part of a multi-million dollar store to run and a team to go with it. Balance your time and energy efficiently so as to not neglect either-or and you should be great
Man, I have heard that "preparing you for TL," speech more times than I care to count. I certainly hope your leadership is much better about it than mine. I don't even bother trying anymore.
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