Archived Training Reports for HR

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Feb 10, 2016
Those reports on the training meter...if you key them in on time, you're green. If they are not, you're red. You have a chat with your HRBP as to why you're in the red. No one wants that chat. So here's the you key in training, that's not completed, anyway, on time, to save face...or do you let it go to expired date and be red. Then hold the leaders of that team members training accountable? After of course, your lashing from
I would say you are going to have to let it go red, because if you are caught fudging the training meter the consequences are going to be more severe-because some of that training carries legal issues if not completed properly. Last thing anyone wants is a cashier not completing their selling alcohol quiz, and ringing up a minor, because that steaming pile will fall on the leaders lap, not that cashiers, because they weren't trained properly.

Admit that you let training go and make an action plan to get it back on track and greener than ever. Because lets face it, if you get caught lying your HRBP will most likely go ballistic on the other hand if you admit the slip up and fix, they will be pissed but see that you are actively working on a solution. It will show better leadership qualities then lying or blaming other TM or TL or ETL for the lapse.

I know, ASANTS, but at mine, our HR or HRTM emails us a list once a month of who, by when and what training needs to be completed, it is greatly appreciated because at least we have a heads up and can properly budget the time needed and not rush around the last minute to get it accomplished. They also post a list (who, what training and expiration) by the time clock and there is also a column that a TL or ETL must initial to verify completion. I have some self-starters on my team that see their name and complete the training by themselves and then I have others that I have to wrangle (usually the last 10-15 minutes of their shift). Sometimes we have to partner with another leader because we might not see that TM, so that it gets competed.
Our HRTM used to send lists to each TL detailing what TMs needed to finish.
After a few days, the list went to ETLs.
A day or two later, she'd warn the ETL-HR then STL.
It seldom went past the ETLs.
One of our HR TMs has really been cracking down on trainings lately. We have a big list by the timeclock that shows who needs to do what.
I still haven't done any of my backroom/flexible fulfillment training plan. Haven't signed anything, no online online trainings, nothing. Come to think of it, I didn't even get to shadow a Backroom TM at all. They just showed me how to pull, backstock, and grab SPUs and I learned the rest myself.
I would say you are going to have to let it go red, because if you are caught fudging the training meter the consequences are going to be more severe-because some of that training carries legal issues if not completed properly. Last thing anyone wants is a cashier not completing their selling alcohol quiz, and ringing up a minor, because that steaming pile will fall on the leaders lap, not that cashiers, because they weren't trained properly.

Admit that you let training go and make an action plan to get it back on track and greener than ever. Because lets face it, if you get caught lying your HRBP will most likely go ballistic on the other hand if you admit the slip up and fix, they will be pissed but see that you are actively working on a solution. It will show better leadership qualities then lying or blaming other TM or TL or ETL for the lapse.

I know, ASANTS, but at mine, our HR or HRTM emails us a list once a month of who, by when and what training needs to be completed, it is greatly appreciated because at least we have a heads up and can properly budget the time needed and not rush around the last minute to get it accomplished. They also post a list (who, what training and expiration) by the time clock and there is also a column that a TL or ETL must initial to verify completion. I have some self-starters on my team that see their name and complete the training by themselves and then I have others that I have to wrangle (usually the last 10-15 minutes of their shift). Sometimes we have to partner with another leader because we might not see that TM, so that it gets competed.
alcohol is one you can't fudge cause you have to key the %. hr at my store sets the deadline well before the key date because they know that no one cares about training. then they follow up with coachings for tl's who don't meet deadlines.
I still haven't done any of my backroom/flexible fulfillment training plan. Haven't signed anything, no online online trainings, nothing. Come to think of it, I didn't even get to shadow a Backroom TM at all. They just showed me how to pull, backstock, and grab SPUs and I learned the rest myself.
a learning plan is just more a cover your ass during a coaching conversation. we can't coach if we can't verify that you've been taught to do it. my tl learning plan was me signing off i knew everything.
Every Monday I srnd the weekly HR update with training that are expiring during the current month (typed in bold and red) and anything expiring the following month. Usually I print a daily schedule and write down who needs to complete what. I warn the LOD so that they'll follow up with me, also warn the leader that I will keep their TM for a bit to complete the training.
During the holidays it was a mess. Leaders wouldn't follow up with HR and we had a TL pushing her own training 3 months after the due date. ETL HR waited for her by the time clock and gently ordered her to sit down and take the training.
I'm new in my position so I'm learning everything when it comes to work center, importance of my role, boundaries and how to interact with l
TL and TM. Right now I feel like I need to do anything it takes to protect my work center so email bombing is the routine, and constant help from the LODs to make sure that more people are held accountable for.
I recently left Target, but was an HRTM. We NEVER fudged numbers. In our store, TL's and ETL's didn't even touch training, the HR team completely owned training (except O/N). We would have the TM's sit in TSC at a free computer at the beginning of their shift and get their trainings done.
I wish I could give you a number on how many times I had to help TM's with ST0020, Hazerdous Training.
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