Archived Transfer

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Jun 8, 2013

I figured I would reach out to this forum for advice before bringing the idea up to those i trust in my store. I have been employed with Target for just under one year. I am presently a Senior Team Leader, and like most other Seniors am looking forward to trying to move up to ETL. I am also interested in transferring to another city.

There is an open ETL position in the city that I want to move to, so I am wondering how it would be received/work if I were to apply for the position. Would I even be considered for it? Would I be committing political suicide for even attempting to apply? etc.

Thoughts please.
Always try to move up.
You can't hurt yourself by trying to do better (except by trying to do it at the expense of someone else).
ambition and drive to excel and climb the ladder is something that all good companies look for. Go for it! if you don't get it, think of it as training. never be afraid to take the next step
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