You come to work,put your personal belongings in your locker,including purse,wallet, cash,ccs etc. You find out that someone has given a team member the master key and had them cleaning, washing down all the insides and outsides of the lockers, no not just the unoccupied ones, but ALL lockers including those with team members personal belongings. No notice to team members that this will be done, so dont leave your personals in your lockers for such and such a time. You go to lunch, get in your locker and notice your purse, wallet, etc ,is not in the same place as it was when you put it there, like its in the back of the locker, you know you set it near the front of the locker. If you had stuff in your locker, this TM removed all your stuff, cleaned the locker, and then put things back in it. This has to be some kind of a violation, big time. Imagine someone in your locker, and you dont even know who it is. Imagine something missing out of your locker, say maybe money,, etc. Id assume they would be responsible liability wise? TMs are livind and feel violated. Whats policy?