Archived Uncomfortable giving review

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Jan 16, 2019
To give some background, I've been with Target on and off for almost 5 years at this point. I have been a GSA for more than a year and have recently promoted to GSTL.

Before I promoted, one of our veteran cashiers asked me out on a date. I declined as I would anyone else in the front end as I am their supervisor. While she phrased it in a very nice and complimentary manner, she is way out of my realm due to age, in that she is more than twice my age. This was not playful flirting, I believe she had true feelings. My correspondance with this cashier has gone from casual small talk to me simply giving instruction to her.

Being recently promoted and with review season coming up, I am very uncomfortable with giving her a review. I'm sure I could sit down and give her her review in a professional manner, I am hesitant due to the possibility of blowback if she is not happy with the result.

Nobody at the store knows, so I'm not sure as to how to approach the situation. I could ask my Co-GSTL to administer her review, but I feel that only prolongs the problem. I know that talking to HR is probably the best bet, but I do worry about the response. This cashier is otherwise very good at the job and dependable.

Anywho, I think I just need some reassurance that talking to HR before review season is the best route to go.
FWIW, I've never had my review given to me by my GSTL, only the ETL.

That said, I agree that discussing the situation with your ETL or HR is a good idea.
Has she given you any indication that there would be “blowback” from her if she does not like the result of her review? You said she was a trustworthy and dependable worker, so I’m really hoping that you don’t take the fact that she asked you out into account when writing her review.

If there are 2 of you on the GSTL team you should be splitting up reviews anyway, just let the other GSTL handle her review and don’t make a huge deal out of it if it makes you uncomfortable. I don’t really see any reason to go to HR unless you are very uncomfortable working with her and would like her or yourself to potentially moved to a different workcenter
My advice to you would be to not go to HR and have your peer deliver her review. From the context of your post it sounds like she didn’t take any offense to you declining her advancement. Don’t make it even more awkward by going to HR and making it a bigger deal than what it is. Part of managing people is dealing with things that make them people as funny as that sounds. This is one of them. Have your peer deliver the review and it should be the end of it.
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