Archived Unpaid Time Off

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Jan 2, 2019
Hey there, I just got the word that I would be hired on after seasonal work, but with that said I have a week coming up in three months that I would really like to get approved as unpaid time off. How do I go about submitting it in the best way to assure that I am not asking to be paid, so that it can be approved as soon as possible? Any answers would be great. Thank you.
If you just started working you will not have "paid time off" in the system. Simply get on EHR and request time off though it would be advised that you let your TL and HR know that you are doing so. Having a 3 month headsup they will likely go ahead and approve it without too much trouble.
After you request off *TELL YOUR ETL IN PERSON*. If you don’t, it’ll autodeny it after a week or so. If they’re not in that day, print the confirmation page and pop it in their mailbox.

^^^THIS! Helps your ETL immensely in keeping up with everything. Most of Target's communication system are highly inefficient and cumbersome to use. TMs are not the only ones who suffer.

Also, for the love of God, please make sure you're putting it in the correct mailbox. I had way too many TMs mad at me because they insisted on using the paper forms and then just put it in anyone's mailbox. As if they can't f*cking read the name plates on the door next to the mailbox.
Also just so you know, paid vs unpaid vacation doesn't affect your ETL's decision to approve it or not. Either way, you're asking to be off the schedule and they'll need to plan for coverage. Just something to keep in mind if you decide to stick around long enough to start accruing PTO.
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