Archived Unpaid vacation

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Sep 26, 2018
Hey all I started back in late July and I requested a total of 4 days off in October. 2 in one week and 2 in the week after (Friday-Monday). However, I was just expecting the 2 days I usually have off to be those same days. The request for those days off was approved as unpaid vacation days but I still have a different set of 2 days off that week. As someone who is seasonal, I don't want me taking those days off to affect me attempting to go permanent (or whatever it is called)....I used to work at Amazon and if an employee went in the negative on their UPT (unpaid time off) balance, they were let go. I'm not wanting that to happen here. Thanks for any advice anybody has.
You may have reduced hours that week because the store is onboarding some new hires and the hours have to come from somewhere. Many of us here are getting fewer hours than normal right now because of this.
Oh I've had reduced hours on various weeks already. I just didn't want an Amazon situation (as mentioned in my original post) to happen.
There's no unpaid time off limit and no balance to keep track of. If you want unpaid time off it's up to your schedule writer to grant it. Anything longer than 14 days has be requested as LOA, however if you're under your 90 days you're no eligible for LOA. Now if you're requesting frequent time off your ETL may have a sit down with you about your intentions and if you really want to be here. They may also let you go before your 90 days if you're always on vacation. No use keeping a TM around if they never want to work.
I am usually one who extends. This is the first time I've asked for time off.
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