Vending machine money

Feb 19, 2020
Where does the money from our break room vending machines go?
In my previous career we would place vending machines in various locations but a portion of the funds came back to us. We would use those to pay for events with the office workers. No vending company keeps all the $.
So who is getting those extra nickels?
Where does the money from our break room vending machines go?
In my previous career we would place vending machines in various locations but a portion of the funds came back to us. We would use those to pay for events with the office workers. No vending company keeps all the $.
So who is getting those extra nickels?

It depends on the contract with the company that owns the vending machine.
It sounds like at your previous company they owned the vending machine so anything over the cost of stocking it could go back to the workers.
In most places that isn't the case.
The people who own the machines use those extra nickels to maintain the machines, pay for the labor the stock them and other overhead costs.
Years ago when I first started working at a department store, they had vending machines in the breakroom and the Employees Association got a cut of the vending machine money. I don’t remember how much they got or who owned the machines, if I ever knew, but we were encouraged to use the machines to increase the yield.

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