Archived Was told I can't swap my shift with certain Tms because I do more work

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Jan 26, 2013
Long story short, I get 40hrs a week and flows got cut. I'm a brtm. Well I don't really need all those hours so I usually give a day away on a non truck day to someone that can Backstock and pull. I'm I'm usually "the guy" that purges out aisles with the highest errors.

Well apparently the other Tms aren't "trusted" enough for that but that's not my problem. I was told by my tm that I'm not allowed to switch my shift anymore because the trucks are small and nows the time "to get things done" fast.

Is this fair? Can I be banned from the swap shift? Any thoughts? I'm just a normal tm. With no special perks, I'm not even a trainer and probably makes Less than the new hires I give hours to
why don't you just ask for less hours,that would solve the problem,if I was running the br I wouldn't want my best people swapping shifts with non productive people,don't think you can be banned from swapping shifts but not a great time of the year for crossing the person who makes the schedule.
why don't you just ask for less hours,that would solve the problem,if I was running the br I wouldn't want my best people swapping shifts with non productive people,don't think you can be banned from swapping shifts but not a great time of the year for crossing the person who makes the schedule.

Just because you ask for less hours doesn't mean you'll get (not get) them.
Just because you ask for less hours doesn't mean you'll get (not get) them.

Good morning and welcome to Jill of All Trades' seminar on how to get a reasonable schedule at Target. Today, we will be tackling a tough phrase. For some reason this phrase is very difficult for most TMs to master, but it's worth the work it takes to get it right. Repeat it to yourself in the mirror while you brush your teeth. Say it over and over during your commute. Soon, with diligent practice, you will be able to look your ETL in the eye and say,

"Hey John- I just saw the schedule you posted today and I'm scheduled outside my availability. Let me know which shift you want to cut, thanks!"
why don't you just ask for less hours,that would solve the problem,if I was running the br I wouldn't want my best people swapping shifts with non productive people,don't think you can be banned from swapping shifts but not a great time of the year for crossing the person who makes the schedule.
Hours aren't really the problem. I can work 40 hours, but that doesn't mean I won't get tired eventually. I should be able to switch with a FlowBrtm without it being such a hassle.
I think @tgtfla hit it dead on. Your TL probably writes the schedule while keeping in mind who his top performers are and who will need their hand held all day.

If I schedule Joe because I need some aisles purged and reworked and I know he can handle it, it would fuck up my day if I find out he swapped with Bob, who interacts with his phone more than his PDA.

Try to work with your TL to either cut your max hours back or designate certain days of the week when the schedule is stacked and everyone can handle it if you want to give that shift away.
Sounds like your TL needs to worry more about why the other TMs can't get the job done instead of telling someone they can't put a shift up on the swap board.

If a TM that is trained in that department wants to take the shift then it shouldn't be the original TMs problem.

I would see the problem if someone that's not trained to do the job, but this is someone that has been signed off as fully "trained" in that area. Maybe Target should think about giving some better training to avoid this problem. It's not the TMs problem.
Sounds like your TL needs to worry more about why the other TMs can't get the job done instead of telling someone they can't put a shift up on the swap board.

If a TM that is trained in that department wants to take the shift then it shouldn't be the original TMs problem.

I would see the problem if someone that's not trained to do the job, but this is someone that has been signed off as fully "trained" in that area. Maybe Target should think about giving some better training to avoid this problem. It's not the TMs problem.
Sounds like your TL needs to worry more about why the other TMs can't get the job done instead of telling someone they can't put a shift up on the swap board.

If a TM that is trained in that department wants to take the shift then it shouldn't be the original TMs problem.

I would see the problem if someone that's not trained to do the job, but this is someone that has been signed off as fully "trained" in that area. Maybe Target should think about giving some better training to avoid this problem. It's not the TMs problem.
Yeah, imo It's not my problem if the other workers are slow as fuck.

Like, I get paid the same an im a lowly TM. To be banned from swapping my shift, something everyone else can do just because some other tms suck blows
Just call out, and when they ask why, tell them you tried to shift swap but the tl told you no because you're too productive

It won't happen again after that
Is it your problem? No. But it does seem kind of inconsiderate to habitually accept shifts and then give them up. Just lower your hours, or ask for like 1 week a month where you have 3 days off instead of 2, or something.

I think leaders in my store would get fed up pretty quickly. As someone else mentioned, a lot of times schedules are made with plans in mind. And again- I agree, it's not your problem that other TMs suck, but it seems like you're making things far more difficult than they need to be by insisting on switching shifts after they're doled. I think you run the risk of appearing unreliable, no matter how good of a worker you are when you're there.
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