Archived What did I do wrong?

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Living the American Dream
Jul 13, 2015
While I was pushing a CAF tub, the GSTL walkied me and asked me to pull medium bags for her. This was was the 3rd time she walkied me that day about bags and each time before I forgot cuz I was so busy with backroom/CAF crap. So I take my CAF tub back to the line so I can pull these bags and get it over with.

I should point out after I put my tub back on the line, the were a total of *two* tubs there. When I said I was going to pull these bags down, I told my LOG-ETL I'd go right back to pushing and he was fine with that.

But my STL got wind of this and lost his shit, saying I should have finished my CAF tub first then pulled the bags, sayin stuff like I'm shifting work on to other TMs and I wasted valuable time coming back to the backroom to pull those bags instead of finishing my tub first. I've said many times that he's a jerk, but that he was so hung up on his was baffling. The GSTL asked multiple times for bags, so I finally decided to get them immediately that time so I didn't forget about it later or get distracted by another task. And this whole "shifting work on to others" thing...Jesus, I told my LOG-ETL I'd go right back to pushing CAFs after I pulled the bags and he had no issue with this.

*And there were only two tubs on the line on a slow Thursday afternoon.* There was no urgency to clear the line, but he chose to have someone come back to push my tub (he didn't need to do this, he was just being a jerk and trying to prove some kind of dumb point). The time this jerk spent yelling at me, I could have already had the bags down and gotten back to pushing my tub.
So it comes down to a couple of things.
Did you have enough time to get the bags without it being a big deal and finish the CAF tubs in a timely manner?
Do you have a history of "shifting work on to others"?

If the answer to the first is yes and the second is no, then you did nothing wrong.
If the answer to either question might possibly even be the slightest bit of a maybe, then you need to take a look at how you are being appraised by your superiors.

Getting chewed out like that could mean someone is an asshole and had a bad day.
Or it could mean stuff that has been stewing under the surface is coming to a head.

Take a close look at how you are doing to be sure of which one it is.
It pays to be sure.
commie hit the nail on the head. Consider not just that particular scenario that just happened, but rather all the interactions you've had with those 3 particular leaders. Your STL, GSTL, and ETL-Log.
We have a morning TL that acts like that about everything and none of us ever deserve it. Sometimes you might just get a crappy TL with an attitude problem but definitely look into it as a whole like these other people said since sometimes there are underlying issues that have been boiling on the back burner.
On the op event, I would of said, I will get them down after I finish my caf. Then, i would show the gstl how to pull the bags down from the steel. That would give them a good idea on what it takes to get them to the front end.
So it comes down to a couple of things.
Did you have enough time to get the bags without it being a big deal and finish the CAF tubs in a timely manner?
Do you have a history of "shifting work on to others"?

If the answer to the first is yes and the second is no, then you did nothing wrong.
If the answer to either question might possibly even be the slightest bit of a maybe, then you need to take a look at how you are being appraised by your superiors.

Getting chewed out like that could mean someone is an asshole and had a bad day.
Or it could mean stuff that has been stewing under the surface is coming to a head.

Take a close look at how you are doing to be sure of which one it is.
It pays to be sure.

I don't have a timer while I do it, but I usually pull the bags down and load them in...5 to 10 min? (My STL was yelling at me for at least a min while I had the bags on the wave and just about to load them on to a tub). As I said before, I wasn't eager to do this. I was doing my regular stuff and only finally relented after the GSTL asked for bags a 3rd time. If anything, I was a little freaked out she'd say something to one of my TLs about it, so I said to myself let me go do this now before I forget again. My CAF tub would have been easily finished before the next autofills.

My LOG-ETL even thanked me when I said I'd go back and pull the bags! Of course, he had nothing to say while or after the STL yelled at me...

As for passing work on to other people, I don't. I told my LOG-ETL I'd grab my tub right after I finished (he had no issue with this) and he doesn't play around with stuff like pushing from the line. Usually while I'm pushing a tub, he'll asked how much I have left so I can come back and push another (not something specific to me, he asks all of us this).

On the op event, I would of said, I will get them down after I finish my caf. Then, i would show the gstl how to pull the bags down from the steel. That would give them a good idea on what it takes to get them to the front end.

Not an option, backroom is expected to pull the bags. They don't ask because they don't know how to, their excuse is that they're busy (aren't we all?)
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In my experience, the only time the backroom touches the bag pallet is if they are on the upper steel.

Cashiers, Cart attendants, GSTLs, or ETLs always shipped bags to the front.
Not an option, backroom is expected to pull the bags. They don't ask because they don't know how to, their excuse is that they're busy (aren't we all?)

While you're right that we're all busy, there's a bit more to it than that. There always needs to be a GSA/GSTL at the front lanes to respond quickly to anything that might happen, unless and ETL is covering for you. So if you are alone, you simply can't leave to go and grab the bags.
In my experience, the only time the backroom touches the bag pallet is if they are on the upper steel.

Cashiers, Cart attendants, GSTLs, or ETLs always shipped bags to the front.

We keep our bags in the backroom on the upper steel next to the bailer.

While you're right that we're all busy, there's a bit more to it than that. There always needs to be a GSA/GSTL at the front lanes to respond quickly to anything that might happen, unless and ETL is covering for you. So if you are alone, you simply can't leave to go and grab the bags.

I agree with this, which is why I'm generally fine with pulling bags for them, my problem is getting yelled at by the STL for not doing it the exact way he wanted when it didn't really matter eitherway.

And it wasn't just a suggestion or sober coaching/semi-coaching, he yelled at me and went on for over a minute about it like I was an idiot.

In all the years I've worked at Target, he's easily the biggest jerk among ETLs. This asshole talks to me like i'm a badly behaved 5 year old. I've been coached or semi-coached by TLs and they (almost always) speak to me like I'm an adult through conversation and back and forth dialogue. This STL just seems to get off on being a dick and doesn't care what I have to say about the matter. To him, he's right, I'm wrong, end of story.
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I will say, I can't blame the GSTL for asking again. I can't tell you how many times I would ask for bags a couple of times in a six hour period, only to catch the backroom person turning in their keys for the night, ask where the bags are, and be told, "oh, I knew I forgot something, sorry I'm already clocked out for the night. We'll do it tomorrow."

I know backroom is busy. And I know they have other things on their minds. But there has to be a better way.
I will say, I can't blame the GSTL for asking again. I can't tell you how many times I would ask for bags a couple of times in a six hour period, only to catch the backroom person turning in their keys for the night, ask where the bags are, and be told, "oh, I knew I forgot something, sorry I'm already clocked out for the night. We'll do it tomorrow."

I know backroom is busy. And I know they have other things on their minds. But there has to be a better way.

There's been times I'm on the sales floor and hear them repeatedly asking so I will go in the back and get them for them since I know it's crazy all over
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Has to be a better way than requiring a BRTM to pull a pallet every time you need bags. Find room elsewhere, I'd hardly answer a call to fetch bags when your cart attendant is just as capable with less to do in that timespan.
Has to be a better way than requiring a BRTM to pull a pallet every time you need bags. Find room elsewhere, I'd hardly answer a call to fetch bags when your cart attendant is just as capable with less to do in that timespan.

We used to keep stacks and stacks of bag boxes in a storage room near the TSC, but now we use that room as a hold area for flexible fulfillment orders. Now we can only keep a few boxes with the cart attendants' supplies, so it's a colossal pain in the ass.
In my experience, the only time the backroom touches the bag pallet is if they are on the upper steel.

Cashiers, Cart attendants, GSTLs, or ETLs always shipped bags to the front.
Asnats backroom does it.
Has to be a better way than requiring a BRTM to pull a pallet every time you need bags. Find room elsewhere, I'd hardly answer a call to fetch bags when your cart attendant is just as capable with less to do in that timespan.
Cart attendant? Lol. Cute concept. Not a reality in all stores, sadly.

And since our bags are kept on the steel, the number of people who can pull them is pretty slim.
Cart attendant? Lol. Cute concept. Not a reality in all stores, sadly.

And since our bags are kept on the steel, the number of people who can pull them is pretty slim.
Ours are always second or third shelf in steel. Once the first half the pallet is gone you need the stacker not just a ladder.
Ours are always second or third shelf in steel. Once the first half the pallet is gone you need the stacker not just a ladder.

If we have a partial pallet, one of the backroom TMs uses the stacker to put the pallet onto a flat. Otherwise, they load up a flat or tub.
Most Gsa and gstls have no idea what the fuck goes in the backroom.

My cafs take priority your fucking bags. Ive wasted so much time simply telling them to wait.

If I'm the only one pulling and cafs are an hour, then just suck it up until the closer comes in or the cafs stop dropping
Has to be a better way than requiring a BRTM to pull a pallet every time you need bags. Find room elsewhere, I'd hardly answer a call to fetch bags when your cart attendant is just as capable with less to do in that timespan.

At least one of our cart attendants knows how to use the wave, so sure, I guess he could do it if they asked him, but they probably never have. Not something I can control, I'm just a minion.

What they should do is keep the bags in one of bottom steel spaces behind the line or just in a space behind the line like the hanger bin and the cart attendant or whoever can grab some whenever he or she pleases.

But leadership decisions rarely make sense, so that won't happen.

commie hit the nail on the head. Consider not just that particular scenario that just happened, but rather all the interactions you've had with those 3 particular leaders. Your STL, GSTL, and ETL-Log.

We don't interact much, but I get along with GSAs/GSTLs. Even when I get their bags late, they're nice about it and have never been assholes to me.

The STL is a lost cause, no need to rehash. It's funny, up until that point, we hadn't said a word to each other for about a month. We cross paths sometimes, but he stopped speaking to me and I never go out of my way to speak to him for any reason. It was nice while it lasted.

My LOG-ETL is weird: not a bad guy and we can have a respectful dialogue, but he's seems on edge lately, wasn't even this way during the holidays. Last couple weeks he's been obsessed with how quickly we finish the autofills and get to pushing tubs. I suspect pressure from STL is a factor.
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Eh, no.
But one time a cart attendant scratched a car with the cart mover so they were paging the "owner of a car with XXXXX license plate" & she walked up.
The CA almost peed himself until he discovered she had come up for a different reason.
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