What should I do?

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Okay, I need some advice. This is kind of a long story, but I’ll try and sum it up.

Long story short, the other day, I was really sick, throwing up & in the bathroom all day, so I did the responsible thing of calling out (I work in a Starbucks) I called out like 5 hours earlier than my scheduled shift. I was off the next 2 days, thank god, because I was in bed sick. The day I go back to work, I’m immediately stopped by my TL and taken to a private room for a “chat”. She told me that she wanted to chat about my attendance because I was still “new”. I’m still in my 90 days, I’ve only called out twice in 2 months, one time I was in the hospital. I always work hard, work for other people, I have a good work ethic. Anyways, she said she got that I was “sick” but dismissed it as if I was lying and she couldn’t care less, she also proceeded to be petty and tell me that my other coworkers don’t think I work hard and that if they don’t do things themselves it won’t get done. Which hurt my feelings because I was thinking I’m forming a genuine bond with my coworkers and my TL and call out one day because I’m sick and they all turn against me? Now, I’m uncomfortable to go to work tomorrow because I feel like it’s gonna he awkward, I haven’t seen my TL in a couple of days since that moment. I honestly don’t enjoy working in my department now and wish I could switch to avoid any conflict. I don’t know what to do. I really enjoyed my job up until this moment.
If you under 90, and have attendance issues, don’t be surprised if you get talked to. Given your performance issues, be careful cause they’ll let you go.
Get past it. Show up, keep a smile, pitch in, get along with the others. Seriously, YOU are making it awkward. I doubt the others even know that you were talked to and they certainly have no way to know what was said. 3 call outs in 2 months within your first few months on the job is really nothing to be bragging about. Maybe not terrible but certainly not extremely good. You are new, you haven’t fully learned your current position so it is doubtful you will be moved to another area. Do your best, ask your co-workers how you can do more. Forget, forgive and move past it.
It’s possible that your TL is being pressured to have those sort of conversations with you by your ETL, maybe the team has attendance issues or something but never go to work in a food service area (or any other area really, but especially food) if you are sick! Your TL is your boss and is required to have these talks about any kind of issue. You will be ok!
Never call out if you are sick, there’s other work centers you can work in that don’t require a disease free tm.
You were sick, the TL probably understands you were sick, but they still probably have requirements to go by as to the number of call ins/lates, etc especially in the first 90 days. At my store TLs get a list of everyone who no shows, calls in, late/early and thwre is coaching/conversations. The conversation was just coaching for someone who called in, probably nothing against you. Show up, respect your TL and act like you want to learn and be there.
Team leaders do have to have attendance discussions, but your TL is acting like an idiot, an asshat, or both. Good TLs don’t act like TMs are lying to them or fail to care about TMs when they are sick and have to call out. A TL of Starbucks has to know that sick people are not allowed to work in food service, if you would have shown up to work sick she would not have been able to let you work your shift in Starbucks anyway. Calling out twice in two months while you are under 90 days isn’t great, but when you are sick, you are sick, and you can’t exactly get up out of your hospital bed to go to work. I don’t know your co-workers, or how they feel, but just because your TL says that they said something doesn’t make it true, and your “leader” shouldn’t be carrying tales about co-workers to you anyway. Smart leaders don’t sow dissension in the ranks. You’ve done nothing wrong, so hold your head up, go to work and do your best. Observe your co-workers and see what these tasks are that “if they didn’t do them wouldn’t get done”(if there actually are any), and see if your co-workers will show you how you can help them out. You’re new, no one is born knowing how to do everything, and training at Spot can be notoriously spotty. Then see how it goes. Maybe things will work out fine, but if not you can try to transfer to another department, although sometimes this can be difficult to get approved. Good luck, I hope it works out well for you.
If you under 90, and have attendance issues, don’t be surprised if you get talked to. Given your performance issues, be careful cause they’ll let you go.

Seriously, a stay in a hospital and puking are attendance issues? That's not blowing off work for a bbq, that's very legitimate.

Never call out if you are sick, there’s other work centers you can work in that don’t require a disease free tm.

So that germs can be spread among the other TMs and among the guests, and statistically many of those people will have compromised immune systems, and among special populations (babies, very young children, elderly) who are just about guaranteed to have a poorly functioning immune system, so a serious "puke your guts up all day" germ can easily kill someone.

Add on dehydration while working when more fluids are going into the toilet than are going into the body, and that's a setup for a second hospital stay.

I just don't get why you think these are acceptable outcomes.
They don’t care about whether your sick or not your in your 90 days. They are just trying to weed out anyone that isn’t drinking the kool-aid and kissing ass. If they are trying to give you shit about it say would you rather me cough/sniffle/barf all over you and the guests. I get another job if this ones a treating you like shit!!!!
The OP self destructed so any advice we give them is pointless.

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