Archived What to do?

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No and that’s final
Apr 5, 2017
It's a long story and I might omit some things but here goes my situation:

I work on an overnight specialty team with HIGH turnover. We work at night to push and backstock 1 department only, we don't touch anything else. So I've been on this team for about 9 months now and after a coworker left for a promotion, it all started to go downhill. We all came to work not feeling 100%, one coworker in particular keeps complaining about everything and everyone, another is basically grumpy and barely talks to anyone and the 3rd one has pretty much checked out by doing NCNS's and callouts. Here I am in the midst of all this just trying to keep it together but also looking to make my way out as well because I've reached the point that I'm dreading coming to work and having to put up with everyone's negativity and low morale.

I made my intentions to transfer known to one of my TLs, who informed our new ETL. I already spoke to the other ETL who definitely wants me on their team and they have agreed to let me transfer but that they need a little time to hire and train my replacement. I've agreed to that and that was a month ago.

Last week, I spoke to my direct TL (who I assumed was told about this) and asked them when that transfer will be happening. He said that he had no idea about this, first time they're even hearing about it and then directs the conversation suddenly to "performance issues" I have been having because he suspects that's why the transfer hasn't been brought up (which doesn't make sense because a coworker said they know I will be leaving soon because said TL told them). And when I brought up departments who are interested in having me, they also proceeded to say things like "oh but they don't have hours, you get hours here, you'll lose out on the differential, etc."

Note that I haven't seen them in several weeks and they aren't around to see me work overnight, they come in when I am clocking out. So I ask them about what issues I have been having and they couldn't give me a clear answer - they told me to talk to an overnight ETL because they received communications from them about my performance issues. So I did and they said that they never said anything about me having performances issues but only communicated that the team as a whole was having issues coming clean at the end of the night.

Then the low blow was delivered last night that I am stripped of being a captain for the team - the two other captains were told about this change but my TL never bothered to tell me first and just went off and told them. No explanation, no warning, nothing - just heard from my own coworkers rather than the TL themselves a week after this conversation about a transfer happened.

Should I speak to my ETL about what's happening and ask for that transfer ASAP or what?
Have never worked overnight before so I don’t know what’s it’s like. I think you can just talk to your ETL then HR ETL HR usually the hr does everything then they confirm with the ETLs TLs afterwards. The work environment seems not cool I just would start looking elsewhere transferring is also like burning bridges unless your department don’t really needs the tm like front end always easy for replacement.
I wouldn't even bother with that TL anymore and communicate with your overnight ETL (mostly to try to stay off their bad side--its entirely possible they're getting the TL to do their dirty work and playing dumb when you talk to them yourself, but they will decide your fate more than your TL, so...), HR, and the ETL of the other department you're interested in moving to instead. Especially the latter, and hope they will help expedite getting you on their schedule.
Talk to the ETLs about the transfer status and leave the TL out of it. Maybe ask the ETL about the specific-to-you performance issues that the TL claimed are coming up, especially since he doesn't seem to have bothered to elaborate and the overnight ETL said it was the team as a whole.

As for the captain part, since you're looking to get off that team, does it really matter?
Talk to the ETLs about the transfer status and leave the TL out of it. Maybe ask the ETL about the specific-to-you performance issues that the TL claimed are coming up, especially since he doesn't seem to have bothered to elaborate and the overnight ETL said it was the team as a whole.

As for the captain part, since you're looking to get off that team, does it really matter?

All right, I will do that. However, my ETL also doesn’t see me so he won’t really have anything to tell me since he doesn’t see my performance ever. My leadership only works dayside and the ETL has already said he has no problem with the transfer and the other ETL does want me in one of her departments as she recently asked me if I’d be also interested in another position.
Wouldn't he see documentation?

*shrugs* my performance never came up since my annual review and I was doing good when they wrote it. I have no CAs or coaching to my name.
All right, I will do that. However, my ETL also doesn’t see me so he won’t really have anything to tell me since he doesn’t see my performance ever. My leadership only works dayside and the ETL has already said he has no problem with the transfer and the other ETL does want me in one of her departments as she recently asked me if I’d be also interested in another position.

Make it a point to go in when the ETL with whom you need to talk is there. It doesn't matter if it's convenient for you. If you want to move, make it happen.
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