Nope. I do live with family, but not my parents. I want to move out, but why pay more bills than I have to while I'm trying to finish school? There are cheap places to live around here, but they're the kind of places where you sleep with one eye open. I'm not about that life. So basically I'm saving a lot of money and already have a sizable nest egg for when I'm done with school and find a job in my career field. Although, now I'm planning on joining the military, so I figure I'll just keep saving while I'm in.
I've always been a saver though. I also don't buy anything I can't afford. I pay off my credit card at the end of each month. I budget out my expenses each month. I give myself a spending limit each month and each week. I always know how much money I actually have (bills coming out soon, other payments etc.) versus what is in my bank account. This is why I have money to go on trips and buy the things I want and need. Sure, not fully paying rent and utilities frees up a lot of my income, but I'm living off 59% of my pay. I consider that 30% going into savings to be a bill that I pay each paycheck for my future.