Archived Why am i out of EVERYTHING

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Jun 19, 2014
Chemicals is resetting. Corporate has discontinued all drano,windex,toilet cleaner, bathroom cleaner. My guests have been extremely pissy over this stunt. Is this at all targets, or has my store just been specially shafted.
I can't believe my store doesn't carry my brand (Brute) of deodorant.

It will come back in once it sets. Just sell down for a pretty major reset.
It is already set with new strips. Everything is discontinued. Weve flexed like 2 aisles with clorox wipes and bleach , and even those are running low.

Ok yeah I would my support that, I thought you hadn't reset yet. Just my support the pog, "um why is this entire new POG all d-code and it is all basic stuff that every store stocks, like comet powder." I will do some double checking tomorrow but basics like bleach you should have, maybe not all the different kinds but your basic bleach then a say a low splash version you should have. I now want to scan through and see if everything that is there will still be there.. I was seeing that with the Up&Up paper towels were D-coded for a couple types..

The method soaps hand, laundry, and dish should all still be live - I say that since my store screws them up I have to check them for zone every day and they are live. Lots of your sponges should be live as well..
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