Corporate Workday Learning

Nov 9, 2014
Since Workday was introduced, there has been an elevated approach to improving the learning modules. Obvious money thrown towards better design and layout, along with creating a consistent look. It's better than it's been, but it's still far from where it needs to be.

I've been taking (and retaking) the same modules as requested. I must have taken over 30 different learning modules over the past year. It's a significant time sink.

Some of the modules are nice and brief, taking 5-10 minutes and some are well over 2 hours of unnecessary video presentations.

If it's a module I haven't taken before, I understand the length and depth necessary. But, when it's one I need to take to recertify; a truncated version or a refresher quiz should suffice. Please don't make me click through a million different action buttons just to get to the quiz and waste so much time clarifying something I do daily because it's been a year since I took the training. Please continue streamlining and simplifying the training!
They need to calm down with all this training, I feel that I have done more training this year than all of the previous years I've been here combined.
It’s corporate CYA in action, a paper trail if you like.

btw in all fairness and what’s that new buzzword… transparency! I have a less than charitable view of corps actions. The skeletons rattling in my stores closet have increased over the years and have begun to rattle louder.
My fellow Pizza Hut Express Food Service Team Members can attest to the absolute horror of the hot table “game” we must play once a year for our pizza hut training.

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