Archived Worked past schedual by mistake?

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Jul 10, 2012
This is probabily nothing, but today I thought I was suppost to work a 8 hour shift, with a 30 minute lunch, and 2 breaks as normal. I ended up taking the second break late, and came back with about 15 minutes left. I got back on my lane, checked a few people out when the STL to came up to me and asked me if I was still on and that I should have left nearly half an hour a go. I immediately went to clock out. The part I'm worried about is of the 25 I stayed over,15 I was simply taking a break in the breakroom. I was going to ask, but he seemed ticked I was still there. So I simply left. Could I get in any trouble for this? It was an honest mistake, and I figure I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill.
You will be ok. Your gstl should been watching your time. But, if you are ringing guests, sales are more important.
Oh it happens. The GSTL should have been on top of that shit as should have the LOD (unless the stl was the LOD). You would have dinged their pdas at least twice for being past worst schedule. Though technically of course you can be held accountable, they'd put the blame on the gstl here as they should be running the front.
The worst I can see you getting is a coaching, but as other have said, it's on the GSTL and LOD because they didn't remind you that your shift was done.
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