Archived Working for another retail store

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Mar 6, 2013
I haven't had a chance to talk to the HR-ETL about this yet, but I was wondering, would I be able to work at another retail store as a second job while still working at Target? It's not another big store like Walmart, but are there any rules about working at other retail stores while still employed at Target?
I don't think Target would care how big the store is, it's still conflict of interest. You can work there and run the risk of getting spotted, quit, or just simply talk to your leader.
Walmart is a big no, but otherwise I still wouldn't tell anyone where you're working if it could be considered a competitor.
Walmart (for the most), KMart (maybe), Sams Club, Costco, BJs, Best Buy are a no.
Professional jobs, grocery, restaurants, drug stores, and small retailers are ok
I worked at Toys R Us and Target at the same time. My STL knew about it as did all of the ETLs in my store. Nothing was ever said, nor did they ever say anything negative to me about this.
I know someone who did F/T Toys R U and Target (in electronics) during Q4. Almost killed himself.
I talked to the ETL-HR about this, and she said it's fine to have a second job at another retail store, as long as it's not Walmart and the other general merchandise discount stores it has direct competition with Target
i think thats bull****, you should work wherever you want to work, its none of targets business to what you do outside of work as long as you get your $hit done while you are on the clock.
I have a coworker who works for Gamestop and works in Market.
And, I've been told by the manager at Gamestop that he'd hire me on the spot if I didn't work in Electronics. It's a conflict of interest for them, but not for us.
They may be afraid you are going to give away some important, top secret corporate information...
they may be afraid you are going to give away some info that is not-so-top-secret-but-they'd-rather-delay-the-inevitable about it getting out...
They may be afraid of the impression it could give to customers who shop at both stores ( "...but I see you at spot all the time! Don't they pay you enough? Are they not giving you enough hours? Which one do you like better? Which one should I apply at?"...and so on and so can see how this is potentially problematic... )
They don't like to share-after all, most of us who are not in school are subject to the old "flexible schedule" thing...
IMHO, they may ( sometimes-I think this is more a store-level thing than a company/corporate culture thing ) be fearing losing "one of the good ones" to a suitor who flashed a slightly brighter ring in front of them...
The list goes on...

( FWIW, I think you should be able to use your time away from a job ( mostly ) as you see fit, but...well I don't make the rules lol )
( Full disclosure: For nearly a year I held another retail job while also working at Target, but they were not at all at odds w/each other because the business models were nearly entirely different, and the other place was a mom-and-pop operation.... )

( This taught me about the advantages and disadvantages of working for a small business owner. Gotta say though, by the time I had been at the mom and pop joint, I'd gotten three raises and the guy was trying to give me a fourth one to stay on. one promotion as well, all in less than a year. Maybe some people have experienced this with Spot, but I'd say most of this happened a long time ago in a galaxy far away....or else they are truly the outliers... )
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