Zebra(MyDevice)/Walkie charger location question

Sep 30, 2022
At my store the equipment cage is in the front of the store with TSC. We have a break room/some offices that was moved to the back of the store requiring the movable backroom aisles. In both locations we have a time clock, at least one computer (the break room has two computers), a printer (TSC has the copier one), and lockers.
At my store we consider the TSC the main one because that is where the one HR person works

My question is how does your store handle having what I consider two TSCs (front and back (the back room)) with the Zebra and walkie?

  • Have some batteries charge in the back TSC and the device charger (with battery) in the front TSC
  • Have some batteries charge in the front TSC and the device charger (with battery) in the back TSC
  • Split up the devices and have some in the front TSC and some in the back
  • Have all devices and chargers in the front TSC
  • Have all devices and chargers in the back TSC
All devices in one location. Multiple sign out sheets would create device control hell. Chargers with spare batteries would be nice.
Instead of having a sign out sheet they could just add a feature to the time clock that lets you sign out a device. They could either have you tap/enter what number it is or scan a barcode that’s on the back under the battery. You then enter your TM number however you do for clocking in. That way anyone can see who has what device and when they signed it out and in. It could also be used to report issues to your PML.
Our break room recently moved to the back which split the lockers/ lunch area from the tmsc which stayed up front. It's so much less convenient especially if I bring my lunch: clock in in the front and go drop off my lunch in the back where the fridge is. And it's right next to electronics which will be a real PITA in the next few weeks.

All devices, chargers and batteries are kept up front in a lockable cabinet.

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