Archived Zoning during closing shifts....

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Sep 5, 2018
I am pretty annoyed that ever since I started working Hardlines a couple of weeks ago at a Super Target, 95% of my shifts have been closing. With our ETL making us stay overtime for one hour due to zoning not being finished and abandons being put back. We start zoning at around 8:30-9. Any tips to zone well enough so that the dickhead ETL's are happy enough with their zoning standards and we can all go home? I was thinking of trying to zone the hardest aisles about an hour earlier just to make sure it's tidy enough for when the real actual zoning occurs.
LOL my store all they care about is the front caps of everything and with over night they zone too but it looks unzoned because they just push everything out and bring out way tooo much of the same product like if there’s 30 of the same item what’s the point of putting out all the same product covered
Make sure you pull at least 3 eaches forward and double stack if applicable. I've seen "zones" of example, dryer sheets where the zoner perches one box at the front edge of the shelf and leaves the rest pushed to the back, which makes me twitch.

Fucking clearance endcaps are a lost cause. I don't fuck with those ever.

Don't move product over to fill an empty spot, especially if it's the wrong price point. Saves GS from price changes and makes auditing outs a lot easier.

I like zoning CHEM because it's one of the easiest, especially the Tide aisle.

I zoned the other night for a couple hours for the first time in a while and it was actually pretty dope. The store was quiet, very few guests around to interrupt me AND we were still 14% over forecast that day.
You guys need to start zoning earlier. I make sure the closers are zoning by 7pm at the latest. Also, at least at my store, zone is non-negotiable, even if it means reshop/abandons are left unfinished.

If you are scheduled to work until a certain time, you can’t be made to stay beyond it. Tell the lod you were scheduled til that time and that you have somewhere to be.
Zones at my store can be done as earliest
in the am. Usually anyone who gets in after midday does reshop and starts to work on the zone. Usually by 5 or 6 zones have started
You guys need to start zoning earlier.
Sounds good on paper!!!

8:30 would be waaay too late to start zoning. I agree that if leaders want you to finish zone they need to have you starting by 7 or 7:30, especially if you're supposed to finish reshop before leaving.

We're usually given two blocks to zone and are often lucky if we get through one, what with guest assistance, finishing freight & pulls, backing up the lanes, etc.
To think that zoning isn't an ongoing every shift thing is insanity.

Welcome to my nightmare... I know you're gonna like it!
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We rarely have hardlines TMs in the morning, and if we're lucky we have a couple of mids who are finishing freight, doing pulls & reshop. Sometimes there will be people on the morning to do audit & super zone & stuff like that but that is rare. Zoning is pretty much exclusively closing TMs at my store, as that's when we have more than 1 or 2 people on. If M is on in the mid shift, we're lucky, as that dude is a rockstar with reshop, as long as they don't need too much backup help at the lanes as he's something of a designated go-to person for backup, bless him.
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