Recent content by Black Sheep 214

  1. Black Sheep 214

    Changing tl positions

    ^This is true, you may not have a choice, and even if you do, management may not take it well if you don’t make the move. That being said, if you like what you are doing and are good at it (and having had green team metrics all last year proves that you are good at it), I would try to stay as...
  2. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  3. Black Sheep 214

    Are mangers and TL's required to provide sanitary items, like kleenex and hand sanitizer?

    Two Rules of Target to keep in mind: 1. Target is cheap. 2. If you wonder why Target isn’t giving you something, refer to rule 1. Allergies suck. They attack at the most in opportune times, and when know you have them it’s a good idea to be prepared for the inevitable by keeping Kleenex or a...
  4. Black Sheep 214

    MEGATHREAD The On-Demand Team Member (ODTM) Thread

    Sounds to me like your SD is scheduling ODTMs in this manner either to performance out ODTMs through attendance or to try to use the ODTMs to keep the regular TMs hours low enough to keep them ineligible for benefits. Maybe it’s an attempt to bank hours for later by scheduling people the SD...
  5. Black Sheep 214

    why am i not accumulating emergency time off ?

    Things may have changed since, but when I was at Spot you could only have a certain number of vacation hours and when you reached that limit you would stop accruing until you used some of your hours and dropped back under your limit.
  6. Black Sheep 214

    fresh meat. Hai

  7. Black Sheep 214

    Quit or wait to be fired ?

    Sorry you are going through this. It’s hard to say which option would be best for you, but I’ll throw out a few thoughts: If you can stand being there longer, need your insurance and benefits, and aren’t burnt out to the point of your physical and mental health being adversely affected you...
  8. Black Sheep 214

    Quit or wait to be fired ?

    Every social category can and does produce both good and bad bosses. Failure to recognize this and to assume things about all members of a group instead of assessing people as individuals is stereotyping. Stereotyping is not a positive, useful or accurate thing and we all know what happens when...
  9. Black Sheep 214

    The Breakroom Memes

  10. Black Sheep 214

    Sales Floor Who has ownership over what freight?

    Whoever is assigned to push the body lotion should be pushing it, and should be held accountable if they don’t. At my store I can’t even imagine anyone refusing to do their job and not being immediately coached. If that person continued to refuse to follow instructions, they would be placed on...
  11. Black Sheep 214

    Extending Personal Leave of Absence

    When I was on unpaid LOA to care for a family member a few years ago I had to have paperwork signed by the doctor to extend.
  12. Black Sheep 214

    From a Kmart to a Target store

    I think this guy lives there…
  13. Black Sheep 214

    Horrible Store

    If you report anything to anybody do it anonymously and make sure you cover your tracks. The Hotline might investigate the sexual harassment, but particularly at this point I wouldn’t trust it. If you decide to inform them cover your butt and don’t call the Hotline yourself. Nothing good will...
  14. Black Sheep 214

    New Rollouts for 2025?

    Haven’t heard of Backroom 365, but the prep sounds like what used to be called snapback when we still had backroom teams. It was followed by an inspection visit from the district manager and his entourage and, if memory serves, the backroom deemed the best by the DM and his minions received some...