Recent content by eteh101

  1. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    Who says I'm looking for attention?
  2. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    That's what I figured.
  3. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    Do you know how long the norm is to get to my next interview? I had my recruiter interview. It's been a week and I haven't heard back. Should I throw in the towel and find another role to apply to?
  4. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    As long as AP is actually in the building. From what I hear on here and reddit, my store wasn't the only one with AP missing altogether multiple times.
  5. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    We shall see then
  6. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    That's what I'm thinking too. I've already applied and went through the initial interview. There's a few more interviews is what I was told. I'm still awaiting a reply for the next interview.
  7. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    I have already applied and interviewed with a recruiter. My application has been sent to the next phase of interviews, but I haven't heard back yet.
  8. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    My store in particular was a shitshow. Absolutely no way AP would've helped here either.
  9. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    I think the new store I'm applying to is in a completely different district from my old store. How do I find out where each district starts and ends?
  10. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    Do you think they'll actually call previous stores? Or since it's been 2 years they'll just not call?
  11. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    To what extent? Are there off the record chats about team member performances? Knowing my former SD, I feel like he would continue insisting I was in the wrong when I wasn't.
  12. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    The first time I worked at Target in 2016, I shadowed HR for a few months because that was the direction my store wanted me to go initially (this is a completely different store from the one that wrongfully terminated me). I remember being able to go back on every team member's work histories...
  13. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    This is what I thought, but several posts on here and on Reddit appear to counter this thought. I personally am super confused as well.
  14. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    My state unfortunately does not allow such things. The tool is altogether not there.
  15. E

    Looking to reapply, what info is shared between stores?

    My AP was absent most of the day. My store was a complete shitshow. Minors acting like they run the show, ETLs and SD allowing them to do so, team leads filing false reports, AP either hard to find or missing altogether, etc. It's no wonder my SD had the audacity to do a wrongful termination.