Recent content by IWishIKnew

  1. IWishIKnew

    Why Target takes off so much taxes from final paycheck more than any major other retails like Walmart, Amazon, Macy's , and Primark

    The year my husband & I got married I thought I did the right things on the w4 but did not, so we owed $2K that year, which was a shock. And now the w4 doesn't have exemptions and makes even less sense than before. My retired CPA father in law has no clue how to fill the damn thing out to...
  2. IWishIKnew

    Time Wasters that my TL makes me do.

    A good zone can always be destroyed in minutes, but in general, once a zone starts to slide it snowballs. Tidying up where you can, even if it's not a full zone, is better than nothing. People have done research about this--when stuff looks nice people are less likely to mess it up (again, in...
  3. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    I agree it was probably a fake service dog (it's not hard to pick up the vest on Amazon). IME, true service dogs are too well trained to do something like that, and even if they had an upset tummy or something, their owner wouldn't just bugger off about it.
  4. IWishIKnew

    Promoted to guest

    Guess I got auto-termed yesterday. Happy Independence Day! Not that I'm terribly surprised, as I haven't had a shift since before Christmas, but I was expecting some sort of warning or 'if you don't pick up a shift by x date you'll be termed' like I had in the past. Or, at least an email saying...
  5. IWishIKnew

    MEGATHREAD The On-Demand Team Member (ODTM) Thread

    Still an ODTM. Haven't had a shift since Christmas Eve. Waiting for the 'sign up for a shift or we'll terminate you' email. I expected to get pulled in before Easter, as that's usually stupid busy at my store, but I've heard nothing other than we get a 2% pay bump. I'm hanging out and still...
  6. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    Usually it's not a question of desire, but of necessity. I was shopping once with my older son, who was maybe 4 at the time. He'd never been prone to tantrums, thank god, but this one poor woman was clearly doing Bataan Death Shopping with a screaming kid in her cart and all I could think was...
  7. IWishIKnew

    To that one Team Member - II

    Agreed. Get a pack of gum at SCO like a civilized person.
  8. IWishIKnew

    Stanley stainless mugs

    That article is lacking some critical information. Did they ask the barista to hold the cups for them? Were they on shift or do anything sneaky to get them ahead of guests? I think the prohibitions against in-demand items are stupid, as long as TMs follow the same rules as everyone else--don't...
  9. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    TTOG: It is many layers of inappropriate for you, a white dude, on Christmas Eve, to hold up our clearly Muslim Somali teenage SCO TM to proselytize to her for many minutes, ending by having the nerve to 'invite' her to your Bible study with 'no pressure'. Seriously, fuck right the fuck off...
  10. IWishIKnew

    On Demand Workers

    I don't think Target hires for ODTM. At my store, at least, you need to be an established worker first and not everyone gets approved. Most common is good high school worker goes off to college, and they want them to work breaks & summers and such when they can.
  11. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    If I sent either of my children to order anything other than a soda I would consider myself lucky if it was even in the same genre of drink. Actually, that's only the older child. Younger has a memory like a steel trap and would be fine, but he's shy and wouldn't do it anyway, so. I also...
  12. IWishIKnew

    MEGATHREAD myDay app

    Is there a legit way to turn off drive up notifications if you're not in drive up? If not, there absolutely should be something, maybe by role, where you can turn them off or they're disabled by default. I'm On Demand, and I could swear the last time I worked I wasn't getting constant alerts...
  13. IWishIKnew

    Should I say no to helping with back up and Grocery OPUs?

    Same at my store. TLs & ETLs are usually the first ones to start pulling batches, before pulling in the sales floor. Grocery used to be exempt from backing up the lanes at my store, but then hours shifted at one point so they tended to have more people on the floor than the rest of the store...
  14. IWishIKnew

    Should I say no to helping with back up and Grocery OPUs?

    What is "F&B"? Did your TL give you any instructions on what to do next time backup was called? If your TL is worried about your area not getting tasks completed due to backing up the front end, it's on them to a) work with the other TLs to rotate backup so no area is affected more than others...
  15. IWishIKnew

    Stores Closing, Sadly No Surprise

    This is a good read: America’s shoplifting problem, explained by retail workers and thieves - From workers: ... ... From thieves: ... The last three paragraphs pretty much nail the whole situation.