Is there a legit way to turn off drive up notifications if you're not in drive up? If not, there absolutely should be something, maybe by role, where you can turn them off or they're disabled by default. I'm On Demand, and I could swear the last time I worked I wasn't getting constant alerts, but last night was ridiculous.
My store does heavy drive up business and the alerts are constant. They drown out call box alerts, which are the ones I actually need as a GM TM. I don't need an endless stream of alerts that people are on their way and have arrived. That's not my work center. I'm not bringing orders out. I'm not assembling orders. None of those alerts mean a damn thing to me or the 80-90% of TMs in the store at the time as those alerts don't apply to our jobs and are drowning out alerts that DO relate to our jobs. Please, let us turn them off in ways that don't interfere with a drive up TM who might pick up our device later.