Recent content by nevermind

  1. N

    What is the exact job description of a fulfillment pacesetter?

    Tracking inventory = "it's all on the line in repacks" = INF that motherfucker = I don't get paid enough for this shit.
  2. N

    New Rollouts for 2025?

    scanning those huge hanger bins of salvage stuff just dumped in? nope nope no thanks.
  3. N

    Greenfield ?

    I change shelf caps all the time to reflect accuracy and also pp process. Especially in kitchen with the seasonal 1, 3, and 5 stuff where the counts are always off.
  4. N

    Holiday Food

    omg I wonder what's wrong with mine every day, but I've never heard a guest say it lol
  5. N

    Who else is having issues with set hours being wrong?

    hahahaha our team gets in at 4 am, pushes the piled-high line until enough vehicles are empty to start the 'new' truck -- usually around 9:30 am
  6. N

    MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

    I hate those things in OTC -- always in the way.
  7. N

    Who do I contact? We need a better myDay

    sign out schmign out
  8. N

    Bounce Back

    No he's a good one. It's the SD thumb on him that prevents anything worthwhile from happening at my store.
  9. N

    MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

    What a great idea for so many items where the capacity does not need to be more than 4.
  10. N

    Bounce Back

    I told my TL I'd be happy to work on OTC bounce back if he got hours for it. So far crickets. I detrash as schedule allows when I backstock, but it's a mess location-wise. Apparently it's not that important.
  11. N

    MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

    They just gotta. It's in their Mission Statement.
  12. N

    Call Outs

    Log in to myTime. find Requests tab. Open that. Select New Request. Find the day in question. Select whatever you want to use (vacation or sick). I've been using my accrued Sick Time to cover hours on days not worked. I'm ODTM. Have successfully used up 75 hours so far. No questions asked.
  13. N

    Specialty Sales

    I read somewhere that Knox Rose is going away too. That sucks as well. I only wear the Denizen jeans. UT don't fit me. Walmart sells Signature by Levis which are a little cheaper in price and fit a little bigger for the same size 8, btw.
  14. N

    2024 pilots / restructuring?

    I would love to be able to read the facts about anything that my store leadership rumors about. They blow smoke about 90% of the time.
  15. N

    Have your stores changed the truck days in 2024

    I wish my SD would do this. We all need a buck or two more -- it's hard to keep good help. Labor pool extremely limited -- both size and IQ.