Recent content by Powerwalker

  1. P

    Pricing and Presentation Toy resets 2025

    But if they aren't fulled out correctly or audited, I'm just hitting buttons because I've got nincompoops breathing down my neck to finish them, whether they are correct or not. Try again HQ.
  2. P

    Pricing and Presentation Toy resets 2025

    We are doing them for large area revisions. Why? No one audits them. My tl is buried. Our etl is still on leave. And I'm pretty sure my SD can't read. So why am I wasting the time?
  3. P

    Pricing and Presentation Toy resets 2025

    They've tried this at my store in the past. Every time we try it, it's a failure. We end up getting pulled for truck or fulfillment.
  4. P

    Pricing and Presentation Toy resets 2025

    First, done with revisions that change whole aisles. Maybe shelves don't move, but if all the product moves, it's a transition. Second, is it just my store or are all SD's and above so out of touch with reality? You know, the way the actual world works. Such as .... get everything done, but I...
  5. P

    Worried About Not Being Fast Enough...

    According to Target, no one is fast enough.
  6. P

    Holiday Food

    It wasn't what she said but how she said it.
  7. P

    Out of Gift Cards?

    That is nice of you. But aren't people supposed to come get their items? Our issue is that few people do that. So we have signing, front end stanchion signing, that sits back there.
  8. P

    Holiday Food

    My stores My store's SD. A guest heard her talking on the walkie the other and said .... what's wrong with her?
  9. P

    Out of Gift Cards?

    On a side note, maybe whoever breaks down your signing pallet is throwing them away. I got tired of asking the front end etl and tl to please get them. A few times I've taken them up myself. I've had boxes sit in the fixture room for months. Then I toss them.
  10. P

    Is anyone else's store starting to worry them?

    A guest and I had a conversation about the state of the store. He guessed, and I agreed, that upper management doesn't want people shopping in store, so, make the in-store experience awful. And that's exactly what has happened. So when I hear, online sales are up as in-store sales are down, I...
  11. P

    Want to know how bad things are?

    We still have over 15 pallets of toys in the steel. About 10 of btc. Why did I set rugs if they never got pushed? Fulfillment eats up everything. Target better come up with some answers to this sooner rather than later.
  12. P

    FY 2023 Annual Pay and Performance - Team Members (PG35/38)

    Got to love a review process where your boss says you're a great employee, reliable, nothing but good ...... but ...... you don't get a corresponding raise.
  13. P

    Are other Targets cost-cutting right now?

    What they want in an eight hour day: set a 10 hour pog, pull 2sfs carts, help with opus, backup lanes, help guests on the floor, make a bale.
  14. P

    Solar Eclipse

    The weirdest part was watching the shadow coming. Looked like a storm coming. The totality was amazing! It's something I'll remember forever.
  15. P

    MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

    What is the point of these? Worthless. Waste of paper and time. "Did you tie the pog?" Do I really need to answer this? Meanwhile, I'll have etls tie off pogs and revisions just to get them off the list.