Pricing and Presentation Toy resets 2025

Sep 10, 2022
First, done with revisions that change whole aisles. Maybe shelves don't move, but if all the product moves, it's a transition.

Second, is it just my store or are all SD's and above so out of touch with reality? You know, the way the actual world works. Such as .... get everything done, but I want it all perfect. Cleaned. Pulled. Backstocked. Do a PPA. Update capacities. Change salesfloor counts. Yeah, not possible. The novelty aisle ... a disaster. Took me over an.hour just to sort and backstock the stuffed animals.

If my SD is so worried about it, why don't I see her out here helping like with fulfillment when she packs? But where is she at? In the backroom rearranging u-boats. Earning that 6 figure salary.

The district director had the bright idea to tell the stores to have it all done by Tuesday. That message came on Sunday. Never mind the schedule was written 2 weeks ago. That bit of reality is meaningless to them. But guess what? Still working on it.
And let's not forget, it's all revisions which means no pre-tying so technically you can't trap it. Who here has room to backstock 5+ pallets of new merch? No one, that's who.
These revisions that spread an entire department are really the most important ones to get done before/as the trap release happens. For us it was the chemicals set last fall with all the new wipes.
My biggest issue is when I see a revision with a couple changes, but whoever did the last revision or the POG half-assed it so I have to spend more time fixing those issues as I go.

Also I was told we don't do PPAs for revisions or salesplans unless something is wrong like pegs not fitting and whatnot.
My biggest issue is when I see a revision with a couple changes, but whoever did the last revision or the POG half-assed it so I have to spend more time fixing those issues as I go.

Also I was told we don't do PPAs for revisions or salesplans unless something is wrong like pegs not fitting and whatnot.
We are doing them for large area revisions. Why? No one audits them. My tl is buried. Our etl is still on leave. And I'm pretty sure my SD can't read. So why am I wasting the time?
And let's not forget, it's all revisions which means no pre-tying so technically you can't trap it. Who here has room to backstock 5+ pallets of new merch? No one, that's who.
Historically in the 5 different stores I’ve worked in toys aisles are always empty post Christmas especially if you’ve pulled all your toy clearance. I agree large revisions can be an issue in some areas like domestics or like kitchen but the January toy transition is honestly the easiest one in my opinion. Tons of room to backstock, sales floor aisles are usually light as long as you manage your liabilities properly. Idk I always hated big domestics/dec home/domestics resets
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PPAs aren't designed to help stores. They're designed to help HQ. Essentially, they can't figure out a better way to determine why the POGs they send stores don't get set the way they think they're supposed to be set. The PPA is meant to help give visibility to that. The problem is that field leadership is retarded and tells their SDs, "Make sure your presentation leads are filling out 100% perfect PPAs for every POG because we don't know why."

On a related note, I discovered yesterday that I can delete every archived, and pending leader approval PPA in the entire company. I learned that by way of accidentally wiping out a whole bunch of my store's by mistake. It seems like that should not be possible, but it is...
And let's not forget, it's all revisions which means no pre-tying so technically you can't trap it. Who here has room to backstock 5+ pallets of new merch? No one, that's who.
This goofy way of distinguishing what makes a transition different from a revision is so stupid. Moving a fixture shouldn't be what makes a difference. When practically all the product moves around, that's way more than a revision.
And imho, we should be able to pre-tie either a revision or transition. I can pre-tie a sales planner, even if it's essentially a carry-over with a couple of tweaks from what it was before.
As for back stocking revision merch, this is one thing where it really helps to have been the DBO over an area. Even if it's a revision, I still know if it's new and I don't back stock it. I lump it all together by category and stash it with a sign I make with an old 7x11 ad sign and a marker. No time wasted back stocking or pulling a batch when the set is done. (Granted, I don't have pallets like Toys is getting now.) Sometimes, I guess wrong or we get stuff sent to the wrong store, but not that often.
PPAs aren't designed to help stores. They're designed to help HQ. Essentially, they can't figure out a better way to determine why the POGs they send stores don't get set the way they think they're supposed to be set. The PPA is meant to help give visibility to that. The problem is that field leadership is retarded and tells their SDs, "Make sure your presentation leads are filling out 100% perfect PPAs for every POG because we don't know why."

On a related note, I discovered yesterday that I can delete every archived, and pending leader approval PPA in the entire company. I learned that by way of accidentally wiping out a whole bunch of my store's by mistake. It seems like that should not be possible, but it is...

Hopefully what ever changes are planned for POG in 2025 have the PPA built into MyDay and not a 2008 era form that looks like an RSVP to a class reunion.
whoever did the last revision or the POG half-assed it so I have to spend more time fixing those issues as I go.
This. The person who did the Vitamins aisle last time usually does a pretty good job with these things so I was surprised to find so many of the little divider things not moved to fit product. She moved the front part of it but not the back so bottles would get jammed and not slide down as product was taken out by guests. I'd wondered how she got through it so fast and just figured she was a lot quicker at it than I was. Well. It does go a lot more quickly if you don't do the whole job. :-(
PPAs aren't designed to help stores. They're designed to help HQ. Essentially, they can't figure out a better way to determine why the POGs they send stores don't get set the way they think they're supposed to be set. The PPA is meant to help give visibility to that. The problem is that field leadership is retarded and tells their SDs, "Make sure your presentation leads are filling out 100% perfect PPAs for every POG because we don't know why."

On a related note, I discovered yesterday that I can delete every archived, and pending leader approval PPA in the entire company. I learned that by way of accidentally wiping out a whole bunch of my store's by mistake. It seems like that should not be possible, but it is...
But if they aren't fulled out correctly or audited, I'm just hitting buttons because I've got nincompoops breathing down my neck to finish them, whether they are correct or not. Try again HQ.
My biggest issue is when I see a revision with a couple changes, but whoever did the last revision or the POG half-assed it so I have to spend more time fixing those issues as I go.

Also I was told we don't do PPAs for revisions or salesplans unless something is wrong like pegs not fitting and whatnot.
Pretty sure that was the reason the revision I did today, took twice as long as it was supposed to. 😡
Also who thought having cosmetics and mini set same week is a good idea? All our setters will be busy in cosmetics, I guess we'll have seasonal TMs set mini lol
PPAs aren't designed to help stores. They're designed to help HQ. Essentially, they can't figure out a better way to determine why the POGs they send stores don't get set the way they think they're supposed to be set. The PPA is meant to help give visibility to that. The problem is that field leadership is retarded and tells their SDs, "Make sure your presentation leads are filling out 100% perfect PPAs for every POG because we don't know why."

On a related note, I discovered yesterday that I can delete every archived, and pending leader approval PPA in the entire company. I learned that by way of accidentally wiping out a whole bunch of my store's by mistake. It seems like that should not be possible, but it is...

Ok, this is taking the thread off topic but can you tell me what is supposed to happen after a PPA is filled out? Who is supposed to go thru it, check for missing ISM to order, and how does one go about auditing these?

I'm a VM so don't really deal with PPAs...I've only ever filled out one to point out the stupidity of cramming 12ft of merch into I'm not sure what the best practice is supposed to be. No one at my store knows either and we are hurting for leaders who know what's what. Any insights would be great!
Ok, this is taking the thread off topic but can you tell me what is supposed to happen after a PPA is filled out? Who is supposed to go thru it, check for missing ISM to order, and how does one go about auditing these?

I'm a VM so don't really deal with PPAs...I've only ever filled out one to point out the stupidity of cramming 12ft of merch into I'm not sure what the best practice is supposed to be. No one at my store knows either and we are hurting for leaders who know what's what. Any insights would be great!

Officially the GM process leader should be validating PPAs and making sure missing ISM/Fixtures are ordered. And then weekly going through outstanding issues and updating.

There are multiple issues though.

1) Looking at PPAs on a Zebra is very very annoying. Having a tablet could help. (Which you need to walk the POG on the floor)
2) GM TLs don't have access to GoCart. I'd be fine with us not being able to submit orders but we can't even look at previous orders to track when stuff is coming or if the order even got placed.
3) In lower volume stores the process TL owns half the GM Salesfloor and covers for the Inbound TL. Finding time to truly slow down and go POG by POG from six weeks ago for updates is borderline impossible.
4) The current PPA form ****ing sucks.
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Ok, this is taking the thread off topic but can you tell me what is supposed to happen after a PPA is filled out? Who is supposed to go thru it, check for missing ISM to order, and how does one go about auditing these?

I'm a VM so don't really deal with PPAs...I've only ever filled out one to point out the stupidity of cramming 12ft of merch into I'm not sure what the best practice is supposed to be. No one at my store knows either and we are hurting for leaders who know what's what. Any insights would be great!
GMTL who owns pog should follow up weekly with any “action needed” PPAs. Fix any issues they can on the spot or update as orders are placed, received and fixed.
The ridiculous thing is that GM process TL can't order anything, so it's completely asinine. They end up having to ask someone else to do it for them. Pointless!

At any rate, I configured the PPA sharepoint to email me whenever a new PPA is filled out, so I get a notification and can follow up instantly. In theory, I should be walking the set as I'm looking at the PPA.

For big transitions, like seasonal, my SD will walk audit guides with me and validate that my PPAs reflect anything that is wrong with the set.

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