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  1. F

    Target refusing to add suffix

    Hmm, not being a Jr. or anything else requiring a suffix, I wonder how this works for other people who are? I've done payroll for a couple of small businesses before, but never had this issue come up. Now I'm curious.
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    Benefits Desired Hours and Benefits Eligibility

    It is, but it's not because I prefer it. My problem is that it makes me a little nuts when things aren't done correctly, so if I stay and do as much as I can, at least I'll know that those things are done right. What I'd really like is what I had before: a consistent, reliable helper. (That TM...
  3. F

    Prompt asking about breaks.

    Indeed. Might be TMI, but I prefer to take care of this particular bodily function at home, in my own bathroom. It's not that I'm squeamish about it, just more convenient while getting ready for work. (Once had a coworker who was squeamish about it and she'd hold it all day if she had to...
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    Benefits Desired Hours and Benefits Eligibility

    Absolutely correct! I've long struggled with perfectionism and being a control freak. It's worked out pretty well with some jobs, but it's really not such a great thing in the world of Target.
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    Benefits Desired Hours and Benefits Eligibility

    Yeah. Except I regularly stay past my scheduled out time, having begged for help in the past and received it inconsistently. Often the help I do get is ... not always so helpful. It's always about call-offs and difficulty making the right hires. Can't remember the last time I was told that hours...
  6. F

    Prompt asking about breaks.

    TMs at my store can get into trouble for not taking lunch breaks by a certain number of hours into our shift. No one really monitors 15-minute breaks that much, except in areas where constant coverage actually matters, like for cashiers. But also I don't think any TM at my store has ever been...
  7. F

    Benefits Desired Hours and Benefits Eligibility

    I think this is what my store's approach is too. And these TMs are the first to be asked if they want OT during Q4 and sometimes even get it. But can someone clarify how the desired hours works with scheduled hours? Seems like there's some difference of opinion here. I've been thinking about...
  8. F


    This reminds me of when I worked in a different industry, also generally low-paying and with high turnover, but I was part of office staff instead of on the front line. (Think a TL level instead of TM.) The company I worked for had a reputation in the area of treating our employees really well...
  9. F


    Seems like more TMs complain about too few hours than too many, but I wouldn't mind have fewer hours. Sometimes so exhausted by the time I get to a day off that I get nothing done. I know of at least one TM who'd like more but a new TM in the same dept. is getting them instead. The new one is so...
  10. F

    Target Credit Union

    Thanks. I was beginning to think that no one in this group belonged to it! Since I posted my question, another problem came up where one of my paper checks was returned unpaid with an "account closed" notation. The new C.U. said it was never presented to them for payment. I've had an account...
  11. F

    Am I right to be upset about my pathetic raise?

    (Decided to delete a snarky response to @Hope4Future's comment. Snarky toward CP, not Hope.)
  12. F

    Target's Not Ready for Easter.

    How are who or what not ready? If you mean the empty shelves, they're empty because they were full of candy that's sold. So much candy it's crazy. We're flexing in other Easter stuff there (probably cleared out the back room of all of it yesterday) in anticipation of everything going clearance...
  13. F

    Target's Not Ready for Easter.

    I live in a state that has a pretty high obesity rate, so maybe that's why we have so little candy left? (That 's not meant to be sarcastic or mean. Just referencing a fact of life here.) After making my comment a few days ago, I noticed yesterday that there are some empty shelves now where we...
  14. F

    Target's Not Ready for Easter.

    Noticed our supply of Easter candy has sold down a lot in the last week. Didn't notice today even though I walked through that area a few times. Goes clearance on Monday. Can't remember if it starts at 15 or 30, but candy is usually less discounted than the other stuff.
  15. F

    Target Credit Union

    My small, neighborhood-based credit union, which I've really liked for quite a few years, was recently acquired by a large, non-neighborhood-based credit union. And I'm not happy about it. I've already received a letter sent to all, I assume, the members of the small C.U. about a mistake made...
  16. F

    Off Two Days in a Row?

    My store sorta kinda does this, but I wish they'd do it more. Have to say I agree with @happygoth about having my days off split up. Not so tired after working 5 days in a row so I seem to get more done at home on days off. But I wish we'd go whole hog with what @Lights's store does. We have...
  17. F


    Nope. It can happen during 4th quarter when things are pretty crazy that a TM can end up having a shift 8 or 9 days in a row, but that's not scheduled - more likely happens when shifts are open and need to be filled. But it's really not healthy to work every day. We all need a break and time to...
  18. F

    Hours not as promised

    Uh, no. Depending on what state you're in and because you're a minor, it might not even be legal to schedule you so many hours unless your school isn't in session. No matter what state you live in or how old you are, your ETL shouldn't be telling you to prioritize work over school.
  19. F

    Scheduling out of availability

    A no-call no-show is definitely not good. If you did that at my store, you *might* get away with it if you've never done it before and you're an absolutely fantastic TM. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure you'd be written up and do you really want that? (This actually happened at my store a few years...
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    $1.00 extra from 10/22/2023 to 01/06/2024

    We are, but at least two of them are former TMs who moved away and recently moved back to the area. Both are good workers, so I hope they'll be asked to stay on. I'm hoping that those of us who are reliable and don't need training are given more hours. Probably not enough of us to soak up all...