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  1. F

    No time and a half for Christmas Eve this year?

    I remember in years past we'd get time and a half for Christmas eve. A few managers in my store say they're not paying it any longer. Is this true?
  2. F

    Is anyone else's store starting to worry them?

    My store has had a few extra problems lately that make me go 'should I freshen up my resume?' 1. Some SCOs not taking cash, management taking months to get around to calling the repair guy. Only for the same or different SCOs to break in the exact same way not one month later. They've modified...
  3. F

    Is anyone else's store getting rid of cart guys?

    My store recently merged the cart guy position (excuse me, FSA or whatever they're being called) with guest services. If you're hired for guest services, guess what, you are going to do carts at some point! We've lost 3 people in the last month to this nonsense. And I quote "this is not what I...
  4. F

    We need to get a big 10 every time!

    I just had possibly the dumbest talk with one of my managers. A 'mid year review'. Did I get a raise? Hell no. I thought maybe my IPH was low or something like that, they had said I wasn't doing so well. It was the front end numbers that weren't doing well. Let me give you the bullet points so...
  5. F

    401k question

    It isn't something I'll do in the very near future (COVID and all) but I'm considering a move to a town with no Target, and have about $5,000 in my 401k (2-3 years worth of contributions). If I don't do a transfer to another 401k account, how soon would I receive the balance after quitting...
  6. F

    How's the Xbox/PS5 thing looking for you guys?

    I got to listen to all sorts of drama I won't have to suffer through because I have the weekend off. It's interesting, so long as you're not the one suffering it (and I hope you guys aren't). 40+ calls the poor electronics guy had to take today. Each call went the same. No, we can't sell you...
  7. F

    Still not accruing vacation time

    Happened last paycheck, and happened again this time. Didn't get any. Currently have something like 2.37 hours of vacation time saved up so it's not like I hit a limit or something. I found a post from a few years back about how you have to get a certain average of hours to get vacation time...
  8. F

    Didn't accrue any vacation time

    Did anyone else not accrue any vacation time this pay period? The stubs for Friday just came out and I have 40+ hours on it...and NO accrued vacation time. What happened here?
  9. F

    Should I be worried?

    So the new schedule came up and I'm...not even on it. I was asked if I was on leave or anything recently (as this also happened to someone who had been on medical leave), but nope--I wasn't. Like my name isn't even present on the paper schedule on the wall with all days marked "available."...
  10. F

    Archived Does anyone else's store have the jet engine hand dryers?

    I can understand having hand dryers. What I can't understand is these things. It hurts the ears no matter where you are in the bathroom, and your nethers are going to get cooled too--even across the whole restroom. I shouldn't be able to hear this damn thing halfway across the store. What...
  11. F

    Archived Invalid credentials on site login?

    I keep getting told "invalid credentials" and "authentication failed" when I try to log in with my employee # and password to see what my paycheck, schedule, or 401k are looking like. The password worked just a few days ago, and it's saved in my browser anyway. I've searched a few times and...