Is anyone else's store starting to worry them?

Jan 24, 2019
My store has had a few extra problems lately that make me go 'should I freshen up my resume?'

1. Some SCOs not taking cash, management taking months to get around to calling the repair guy. Only for the same or different SCOs to break in the exact same way not one month later.​

They've modified the registers to go "you won't be charged for the cash you tried to ask for!" but they can't fix the damn thing? I'm getting tired of telling people our property person is 4 minutes away from retirement and coasting until they leave.

2. Bags not being ordered in a prompt fashion, wrapping paper entirely absent​

We went through a solid 2 weeks where we didn't have standard Target bags. People were being sent to the local supply store (or wherever) to get convenience store bags. I kept being told "we ordered them! we ordered them!" yet nothing. We had sh*t bags during one of our busiest weeks of the year and it really slowed things down. Kept having to double and triple bag everything delicate because again, there was no wrapping/postal paper/whatever you want to call it. Before this we never had this happen for longer than a few days.

3. Lack of towels​

This might be company wide, idk. But the bathrooms aren't being provided towels anymore.

4. Mess in the back room​

Nothing that hasn't been seen before I guess. But it just seems...worse lately, somehow. Rolled over trucks. We keep losing our old guard, people that have been here 20 years, and I think that's whats causing the problem.

The priority of GS is extreme at this point. They will steal literally all but one cashier for GS/OPU/DU and then tell that one cashier they need to move faster. I know because I've BEEN that cashier. They'll backup and call even ETLs and I'm like - how much farther can it go? How much worse can it get before turnover REALLY gets bad?
ETLs & TLs taking frequent mental health breaks (some don't come back or they leave shortly after)
So many things broken/in disrepair that our PML is frequently overwhelmed
Either out of stock on so much or a glut of repacks
So much to be pushed out to the floor but not enough people to push
High turnover in all areas, insufficient coverage, extreme apathy
Frequent 'visits'
Some leader positions still unfilled
1. Some SCOs not taking cash, management taking months to get around to calling the repair guy. Only for the same or different SCOs to break in the exact same way not one month later.

This has been a huge issue since day one at my store.

We only have six in the first place so have one or two not working is such a pain.

The SCO at my local Kroger are almost never down because of that.
For the first time in almost tens years I am dreading Q4. It’s not good. Stress is bad, morale is bad, truck rolling over, not enough hours for work load, fulfillment crazy.
They staff like shit here and even when we have enough cashiers, they steal them for GS and use floor people to do backup calls. Every day I'm surprised by my own ability to stand this crap.

And don't you dare complain about the schedule, you'll get threatened with a write-up!
Stress is bad, morale is bad, truck rolling over, not enough hours for work load, fulfillment crazy.
Yeah. We very rarely roll over truck, maybe a u-boat or two here and there. And Beauty is perpetually behind because they can't seem to find someone who will actually stick around and the TL over that area seems to have a hard time finishing things they start. So things get half done and forgotten.
But other stuff? It's getting to be a problem. My store has mostly decent leadership, but there's only so much that can be done with insufficient hours and a fair number of TMs who call off sort of often.
I'm working on trying to care less about what my area looks like, but it goes against my nature.
Yeah, that's a problem here. Some of those quitting are people that have been here a while, people that know the system/the store/etc etc. We don't seem to have too many visits, but...who knows
You sound a bit harsh but I don't work at your store so I can't answer that. But in my store
1. We come in with no zone. Take us average 2 hours to zone with the help of my etl. He did 1/3 of the dept and reshop
2. We push the pallet and at least 2 uboat of priorities that been pulled from night before
3. We start pushing from truck by 6 30 we usually have a pallet and another 2 uboats by then
4. We have to pick opu by 7
5. By 7 45 we come back to pushing until lunch
6. Back from lunch sometimes pick another batch. If not continue push and backstock until 11 45
7. 11 50 pull and push priorities for areas my etl in charge of
8. About 2x a week inbound still loading truck by 12 pm because of call off. We have 2 trucks 5x a week small one is 1800 big one is 2900
That's why my friend sometimes we have carry over
I haven't take a 15 minutes breaks for 7 months and yet still haven't finish what they ask for
We only have 1 tm on each area. Sometimes that tm has to take 2 area one after another
You sound a bit harsh but I don't work at your store so I can't answer that. But in my store
1. We come in with no zone. Take us average 2 hours to zone with the help of my etl. He did 1/3 of the dept and reshop
2. We push the pallet and at least 2 uboat of priorities that been pulled from night before
3. We start pushing from truck by 6 30 we usually have a pallet and another 2 uboats by then
4. We have to pick opu by 7
5. By 7 45 we come back to pushing until lunch
6. Back from lunch sometimes pick another batch. If not continue push and backstock until 11 45
7. 11 50 pull and push priorities for areas my etl in charge of
8. About 2x a week inbound still loading truck by 12 pm because of call off. We have 2 trucks 5x a week small one is 1800 big one is 2900
That's why my friend sometimes we have carry over
I haven't take a 15 minutes breaks for 7 months and yet still haven't finish what they ask for
We only have 1 tm on each area. Sometimes that tm has to take 2 area one after another
I did mean to imply the morning team doesn't do anything just that only cutting hours for those that start after Noon is ignoring the problem of understaffing in general.

OPU and SFS sucks up a lot of hours too.
I did mean to imply the morning team doesn't do anything just that only cutting hours for those that start after Noon is ignoring the problem of understaffing in general.

OPU and SFS sucks up a lot of hours too.
Hell even when the front end HAS enough people they steal them for OPU and DU and then we have to call for backup from the floor...which means their work doesn't get done.
Turn off cash

Put the DPCI 004-10-0106 in MyDay to see the medium bag status. It’s by box. 36 boxes a pallet. It only increases never decreases but you can check when it’s coming
They did turn off cash but my point is we have only a handful of SCOs and 2 can't take cash. I'm wondering why this isn't being fixed. Why it keeps being a problem. When they DO call a guy out to fix it, it breaks again within 2 weeks and then it's another months long wait to get it fixed again.

We got a pallet of bags yesterday, but thanks for telling me how to check when we're getting them!

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