
  1. SmilesWI

    Archived Super Target?

    Silly do I know on the target app if a store is a super target? I’m on vacation and I don’t know the area so I want to make sure before I go. I can only see that it says fresh grocery but my non-super target with groceries also says that. One says it has optical and i have only...
  2. SmilesWI

    Archived Simply Balanced Discount

    Who would I contact about an item not correctly giving our simply balanced discount? I bought some items in store and didn't get the discount. When I do the same items for instore pickup it does show the discount. The Extra 20% helps...I didn't want to make a stink at my store but I understood...
  3. L

    Archived Gift Card discount questions

    So I'm going on a Disney and Universal trip in a few months for my birthday, and was wondering if I could be able to pay for the giftcards with my redcard? Would I get 5% off since they're giftcards? I did this a year ago (I'm a new TM) and I spent like $200 for Disney giftcards and got 5% off...
  4. bullwinkle72

    Archived Discount cards

    recieved my discount card and now have misplaced it already crap! How do I go about it getting a replacement I do have it saved in my target cartwheel app however I wanted to save the card in my wallet.
  5. R

    Archived Buying online from while on the clock?

    okay or not okay? And if I choose in store pickup?
  6. B

    Archived Employee discounts (and other questions)...sorry in advance

    So I’ve only been with spot for 3 weeks, but have done a pretty great job of picking things up so far (IMO). However, there are a few things I’m concerned about based on my nonexistent training. 1: the handbook specified that employees need to have their employee discount card for us to be...
  7. bullwinkle72

    Archived Employee discount and red card

    So I got a Target red card debit to my checking account but how do I use that with my employee discount? Do I tell cashier my employee # each time to get 10% off? They said I could only get discount with cash or red card and I asuumed this red card debit was ok.
  8. P

    Archived How do I use my discount online

    Can I use my employee discount online? And if so how do I go about it?
  9. C

    Archived Discounts and Visa Cards

    I think this has been answered before, not sure. Just gonna ask again. So! I am pretty lost with how the Team Member Discount works when it comes to paying. I tried using my debit card (not the redcard) while applying the TM discount but it wouldn't accept it. I ended up paying with cash but I...
  10. signingminion

    Archived Military Discount !@@

    Info finally dropped and is being spread on social media. Military Discount of 10% for active, retired, veterans and spouses. There's a link to "qualify" for it, can be used online or in store. A scan sheet is available on workbench, and I'd imagine will be linked in the merch update that...
  11. H

    Archived Discount works after termination?

    So I was at my local Target tonight and used my employee discount...I have the new Target Wallet app and it has my discount saved into it. I also turned my card into the store that I used to work at. I was haven’t worked at Target for almost a year. I also did not retire or have enough time in...
  12. D

    Archived How do you use the “commuter benefit”

    I rely on public transportation to get to and from work and was reading that TMs actually get a discount of some sort? Can anyone explain how that works and how to use it? Definitely would love to save a bit if I could.
  13. Capri27

    Archived GSA gave discount card to friend

    So I am a relatively new cashier, and yesterday when I was cashiering a guest came through my lane who I didn't know, and used a TM discount card. I didn't pay much attention at first and I just assumed she was from another store, however after her transaction ended she still had the card on the...
  14. SmilesWI

    Archived Discount

    Does our discount Work at all stores (not just the one we work at?) I travel out of state to visit family a lot. I’m still talking about stuff for myself. There are no super Targets near me and the ones near my family always seem to have a lot of items that the one I work at does not. I know I...
  15. N

    Archived Discount Card Alternative

    Anyone laminate their discount card? Or find a way to print the barcode onto a plastic card? I go through a card every few weeks that either gets bent or distorted to a point that it won't scan. Some cashier's are cool with keying in the discount manually while others aren't. I've thought about...
  16. SmilesWI

    Archived Wrong information from HR

    I counted 3 things that HR explained wrong from orientation based on the handbook 1. Discounts being used on group gifts. The handbook says you can do it if you are paying equal or greater than what others are paying. HR said you can’t 2. Pants. Handbook says any solid color. HR says khaki 3...
  17. KarmaToBurn

    Archived Auto Insurance

    Just curious, has anyone used or using the auto insurance program listed in benefits? If so, opinions please. I live in a place with terrible insurance and could use any help I can get.
  18. J

    Archived TM Discount Question

    So my friends birthday is coming up and we were considering getting him an xbox one. There are five of us going in on it and I just had a question about being able to use my discount. Say it costs $300. Would I have to pay $151 to be able to use it or just more than each of the individuals.
  19. D

    Archived Gift card and team member discount?

    I went to my target location to buy some things and was on a budget, I rang my items in at the self checkout and seen how much it came to a little over what I had on my debit card. I scanned my TM discount card and it was under what I could spend so I figured since I couldn't use my debit card...
  20. T

    Archived Team Member Discount

    Hey everyone! I just had a quick question about the discount.Does our 10% discount count toward sale and clearance items? My store has a lot of cool clearance items right now and I was just wondering. Thanks!