
  1. T

    What is the exact job description of a fulfillment pacesetter?

    hello, I've been working as a fulfillment pacesetter for a few months now and I've run into a few issues with my current TL, I feel like they've been pushing alot of responsibilitys on me that I shouldnt be handle. My other pace setters don't have to do nearly as much as me and its getting to...
  2. J


    So get this: it was busy, right? Lots of opus and all that stuff. I had been in the middle of a second one when my manager called me to tell me that he needed me in market which is understandable cuz we had a lot to do. Prior to that, the manager in fulfillment had asked if I could do the two...
  3. M

    SFS pallet issue

    Lately, my store has been having an issue when it comes to pallet labels printing out. When we print an id out we have a really hard time being able to scan packages into the label. I have never encountered this issue before. What causes this issue and how can it be fixed?
  4. A

    Question about GM stats

    Hi, new GM here, still in probation I actually try to do a good job, working many hours a week, never called out, I keep myself busy all day hoping to get a pay raise but recently I was told that the gm pull stat is a team thing, and we don't have individual stats like the opu guys If this is...
  5. B

    Sales Floor Cut off time for Sort by close units to drop in?

    I always thought the cut off time was 8 or 8:30, but I think it changes too during Q4 when we extend holiday hours. Do we know what the actual items plus the extended times are?
  6. M

    Batch size

    I know opu was going up but was there any communication about ship batches going up to 45 eaches?
  7. TurgetCirkl

    Logistics How does ePick know the backrooms?

    For context, my store has multiple backrooms. One of which isn't supposed to be one. Old Electronics backroom (now home) Old Beauty Backroom (now pharmacy) main backroom. OPU Hold backroom. we as a store got an UNHOLY amount of space in the front for opus. We have a big overflow section but...
  8. P

    How is this possible? Fulfillment numbers

    I just don't see how this is possible. That's a pick rate of 92 units per hour.
  9. N

    New Role, New Boss...not looking good!

    Recently moved jobs to FFTL because I was flat out told they aren't promoting an SETL who has no other Target experience (not totally true, but I gather there is some truth to this), and this is the other area that interests me. My new boss has a bad reputation and everybody warned me it...
  10. SweatyMess

    No sfs

    Heard they are piloting having no more sfs TMs but having salesfloor own it, any truth to this? Anyone have info?
  11. C

    Day in the Life Fulfillment Ops TL

    I am looking into stepping into the fulfillment ops TL role soon. I am just wondering what does a day look like in this role. I have seen how my old store handled it and it was not the best. I just want some ideas on how I can handle it better at another store. Some things that would be helpful...
  12. J

    How long does it take you for a ship batch?

    Hello so I just started fulfillment not to long ago and I feel like am so slow I did 3 batches in only 6 hours I know it’s really bad lol but how can I get better? Also how many batches do you guys do in flexible fulfillment let’s say in 8 hrs ?
  13. UboatOfDeath

    Anyone know what kinda training this is?

    Speed to proficiency for fulfillment non sfs back up team members... Literally have no idea what fulfillment is! 😖
  14. J

    Is there a TL for fulfillment?

    My store is a small format so it hasn’t had one since I’ve worked here (8 months) and haven’t heard of there being one before
  15. M

    Is this the end??

    Hi, I joined Spot back in October for fulfillment. I thought all was great, up until recently. I was trying to boost my pick productivity by INFing items I didn't see immediately on the floor (I know...really bad idea) without thinking about the fact that it totally jacked the store's INF metric...
  16. SuperTarget

    Reprinting Cart IDs

    I know the only way to reprint cart ids for Fulfillment is through the location management tool in myDay. It works however the barcodes are very hard for the myDevice to read. Is there settings I need to change or different labels I need to use to get these into a barcode that can be scanned...
  17. C


    I’m new. Could someone please explain exactly what fulfillment is. Thx
  18. P

    Logistics FEDEX backup

    So we're experiencing a severe FEDEX backup at our store. We've been stockpiling since Wednesday (Thanksgiving Eve). Coming close to something like 40-50 pallets that need picked up. Constant communication and we've been told that FEDEX won't send a trailer for them. They came today with a box...
  19. Sushi2Go

    OPU questions

    I did OPU for the first time but I got questions. 1. How many OPU labels do you stick on for one order if let's say we have 2 different bags or half is bagged and other larger items are not bagged. Do you just stick one label one or reprint multiple labels for each stuff that's separated? 2...