
  1. Target it

    How do I connect to walkies

    My fellow target workers have given me a non working walkie and they refuse to tell me how to connect it and its stressing me out I just want to make friends and they be little me (enough of me yapping) how do I connect
  2. kokokonut

    My shift is not going up for someone to pick up.

    So, I have recently tried to put my shift up because I had activities on that same day. Today I tried to exchange shifts with a fellow coworker but then we realized that my shifts were not going up for someone to pick up. I can see my coworkers, but mine was not showing up at all. Should I ask...
  3. reeeeeeee1345

    Tl has no boundaries. Want them to stop, don’t want them to get in trouble. Advice?

    I have a TL who is very touchy feely. In the past month, they have done the following all on a near daily basis: Swinging their arm around my shoulder, getting very close to my face. Grabbing my upper arm and wrists in nearly every interaction, shaking me by the shoulders, leaning on me and...
  4. RWTM

    Workday Email

    My OM said the other day at start up we needed to explore workday more and become familiar. For the life of me I can’t set up a workday email. Please help? I can’t even email them for help.
  5. T

    Closing Team Leader Interview Process

    Hello! I have a Closing Team Leader interview coming up soon and I was looking for some info on the process? Who interviews me? What are some of the more common questions for this positions interview? Also any advice is appreciated! :)
  6. T

    MyTime Unfair Hours - Help Needed

    Hey guys, So I am kinda new to Target, should be my 4th month or 5th here, and I had a quick question. So when I signed up they asked how many hours I would like to work and because I am still in school I said 20. Well, they have been kinda true to that, but lately, I have been getting 26-30...
  7. H

    Hired but no orientation?

    How long does it take to get an orientation date? I was hired almost 2 weeks ago and have yet to get a call about an orientation date. I called last week and they said they would call me. It just sucks waiting 😞
  8. S

    Store transfer help

    So I’m trying to transfer to the store in my college town for the start of the school year. I had a phone interview with the Specialty Sales TL at the store i’m trying to transfer to. She said that everything looked good, she just needed to talk to their HR to make sure my schedule would work...
  9. S

    Transferring Questions

    I’m going back to school in about a month and I asked my TL about transferring to the store in my college town today. He said to call them and see if they would take me and talk to our HR lead. Should I call first or talk to my HR lead at my current store first? and when I call what should I say?
  10. S

    8am Style shift??

    So I’ve only been working for about a month and this is my first early morning shift. I’m in style from 8-noon but there is no zone specified like there usually would be. I forgot to ask my manager before leaving today, so what do i do when i go in??
  11. F

    Looking to transfer to a different store

    Hey. So im looking to transfer to a new store when i go back to school in august. I don't have moving date and their are quite a few store in the area that I am moving to. I asked my ETL HR and was was told to call the store i wanted to move to, then basically told to figure it out myself...
  12. A

    Trying to get a job at Target but HR is being rude.

    Hi guys! I need as much help as I can get. I applied to my local target in person and I was speaking to the manager about the possibility of employment. He said he liked me and that he will keep in contact with me. Fast forward to this week I call in order to set up an interview and my interview...
  13. R

    I think I ended up with a gift card I requisitioned?

    Hey there! So the other day, I was leaving work at night (8:30 ish). And when I went to grab my bags from the checkout advocate, he gave me a gift card that was just lying there next to the card reader. We joked about how it probably didn’t have anything on it and and I bent the card and put it...
  14. G

    My store isnt being very helpful with the transfer process. What should I do?

    Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I am an employee with target in the electronics department. I have been trying to transfer stores for about two months now and have had little to no help. The help I have gotten from HR was basically them asking where I want to transfer and saying they...
  15. C

    When will I hear back from HR?

    It took about a week for Target to call me after applying to schedule an interview. Did the interview a little over a week ago and was told that they would like to move forward with the hiring process and I should be expecting an official job offer and background check email. I have yet to...
  16. M

    Answered Anyone have a part number?

    Hello everyone I’m a newly appointed PML and I need some help finding a part number for this plastic divider. I tried the Target Reddit and someone pointed me to this site. My grocery TL can’t find it anywhere and I’m trying to help him out. Any help would be much appreciated!!
  17. E

    Answered So I have a question...

    I have been with Target for years.. I have switched positions within the store multiple times. Recently, I have gotten a full time job. I have came to the consensus that I am ready to leave Target and hopefully just MAYBE come back during seasonal times and be a seasonal position. I have asked...
  18. T

    Was this wrong of me to do?

    Hi everyone! I just signed up, but I’ve been using this site as a tool for a while now. I’m in fear of a termination for a silly thing that I’ve done. I had clocked out for the day, took my badge off, and went shopping in the store. I was looking for a particular book that the app said that we...
  19. G

    I'm Lost! Logging In to eHR Computer

    I've been working here for like 6 months and they never really told me how to log on to the computers. Idk what my username and password is supposed to be for the eHR computers in order to then get into workday and request time off. Anybody know anything?? Or how to reset them??
  20. Imjustheretoread

    Is there a specific way

    Is there a specific way you have to ask for red cards or can you do your own? I’m still learning how to ask people and I just got one today, but my ETL keeps giving me tips on what to say because she’s overhearing what I’m saying and I’m just trying to find the right way with people. What I’m...