
  1. tomthy

    Archived My sarcasm really hurt a GSTL

    I'm a cart attendant. I have really bad sarcasm. If you were to see me around my friends outside of work you'd probably think I hated them, but this is just how we are. Working for 10 months at Target now I've anyways tried to keep my insulting sarcasm extremely low, but today it broke. This...
  2. itzkate18

    Archived Just ready to give in..

    I've been on the Plano Team since the beginning of February. I thought I was fast enough to be on the team, yet I have gotten pulled aside 2 times already, and being told "you are too slow, you need to get faster at setting POGs". I dont know how to get any faster. When I set a POG, i get...
  3. princesteph0459

    Archived Newbie New Hire

    Hey, I have a ton of questions that didn't get answered when I was hired. I got hired as a cashier and service desk member. In your guys experience how many hours am I looking at doing both per week. Do we get paid weekly? How soon did your first check come in? What kind of shoes am I allowed...
  4. P

    Archived Privacy breach?

    I've recently left target, and was talking to an ex coworker of mine, who informed me that one of our SL-TL was telling everyone I was fired, and that I called out my last day, crying about how I had to move because me and my bf broke up. I was a little confused by this (especially considering...
  5. Theweather

    Archived I got promoted! Tips?

    I'm now officially a GSA in a fairly busy store, any tips for running the lanes? Luckily, I have awesome GSTLS, ETLS, and Store Managers who make training & target awesome. I could definitely use as many pointers as possible, though! Right now I mainly close so I'm not too aquatinted with opening.
  6. T

    Archived I'm new, I need help

    So I recently got hired at Starbucks inside of Target last week, I signed the papers for the agreement and the lady said to bring two forms of identification. She also said they will call me for my orientation, so this Wednesday I got an email confirming my orientation for February 9th at 8:00...
  7. A

    Archived Problem Resetting New EHR Password

    So through sheer stupidity, I ended up locking myself out of my account and after unlocking and resetting my password about 4 times over the phone, I've finally given up. The thing is, whenever it gives me the option to change the password to my choice, it refuses to move past the page. Like...
  8. targetbetch

    Archived lost paycheck

    sooo my paycheck is no where to be found. i can't find it anywhere, i've retraced my steps a zillion times. is there a way i can call to have it cancelled and re-sent?
  9. 6

    Archived New Softlines Team Member, No Idea What To Do

    so I've had three training sessions within the past week and I've pretty much learned nothing. All they've really had me doing was redoing the tables and reshop. Yesterday someone in the section I got put into asked if I was actually trained on anything else but those two things and when I said...
  10. beachypeachy

    Archived new & still need help

    ok so today will be my third day of cashier "training". soooo basically i went in for my first day tuesday and had guest services call over the gtsl so i could get my team member # and have help punching in. he gave my my card and brought me to the tsc where you punch in and said punch in when...
  11. T

    Can this TM get fired?

    So I'm a HRTM and I have a question, I just got promoted to HR from being out on salesfloor and I'm excited about this, but I have a problem I would like to get help with. Is there anyone that specifies in HR and polices that could perhaps message me? It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  12. mousegirll

    Archived New team member questions

    Hello, I'm new to target and I just had my first full day of work on Friday 9/25. I first did some online quizzes for a few hours that had nothing to do with my position as a cashier. Then I was sent to watch a cashier for 10 minutes and then I was put to work on my own cash register. I...
  13. K

    Archived First day of training earlier! Some problems

    So I just started cashiering earlier and it was interesting lol. My coworkers and my trainer were very understanding and patient even though I kept turning on the blinker every 10 minutes. Anyway!!! I have a couple of problems that have been bothering me ever since I clocked out.. 1. I wasn't...
  14. NKousuke

    Archived Vacation Limit and Help?

    I'm still on probation, but this is a really important thing. Every year, I go visit my fiancee over seas for a month. It's the only time I get to see them until they move here. What's the limit on unpaid vacation time, and how should I go about requesting it when I'm able to? Note: I put...
  15. NKousuke

    Archived Help with first day of non-training work

    Okay this is a really dumb question but I want to do this correctly. Tomorrow is my first day of work without training. And I thought I'd ask the person training me neraly everything. But I didn't. I know that I'm supposed to find whoever is my LOD or this one person who's specifically in...
  16. L

    Archived How do I process returns? help please

    So basically, I've really wanted to learn guest services but have not been given the training. YET..I have been asked so many times "Can you cover guest services?" When I haven't received training :( . I tell them that but they just find someone else. Can someone virtually train me? I know this...
  17. J

    Archived Ap interview advice

    So I'm a cart attendant but I just put in an app for ap because I was Told by the team lead there was an opening any interview advice