
  1. C

    Archived New Here!

    New to target as of last week and they have me cross training as cafe, cashier, and consumables. Was poking around trying to figure out how to view my schedule online and came across a forum on here and decided to join!
  2. itsmoo1920

    Archived New to the team !

    Hey guys, I'm a new team member (cashier) and I will be having my orientation next week. I'm excited and a bit nervous!! I've had cashiering experience so I don't think it'll be that bad. If anything, I'm a little concerned about RedCards but I'm sure I'll get trained on that... any tips or...
  3. S

    Archived Hey looking for tips in softlines!

    Hello everyone! Does anyone have suggestions on being successful in softlines? Do your stores usually have more than one person running RTW? Haven’t figured out how I’m supposed to do reshop or zoning the whole shift while watching the fitting rooms if I can’t see them. I was just kind of...
  4. N

    Dress Code

    Hello! I am joining the team and wanted to know the current dress code. Could one of you post it for me? Thanks in advance!
  5. logkiller

    Archived Hallo!

    Hey, Decided to join. Please don't attack me for my former corporate position. I had nothing to do with modernization, but my dept. had everything to do with credit card breaches. Anyway, hi.
  6. G

    Archived Hello

    hi im GozerZuul, Gozer for short. i have been on the flow team for 4 years at this point. i am autistic, aspergers, and give my all for flow. flow 4 life! ha ha
  7. C

    Archived New GSTL looking for advice

    Just some questions for GSTLs current and former. I am an external hire if that changes anything 1 do you like your position? Why or why not? 2 is it really that stressful? 3 is it worth it 4 how is the possibility of promotion 5 how is the work life balance Any other advice?
  8. G

    Archived New to the Family!

    Hi guys/gals! I'm new to the Target family. Today was my first day! It was quite the learning experience! I was put in Softlines. My mentor was extremely nice, and such a pleasure to work with. Chances of her reading this are slim to none. But if you do, know that you are awesome...
  9. T

    Archived Greetings.

    Heya. I was a lurker for the longest time during my first stint with Target, so I figured now that I am back I should actually register on the site. I've been hired as Electronics plus Mobile, what kind of nonsense have I gotten myself into?
  10. S

    Archived Former ETL -> now back as a TM?!

    Hey friends, long time no see! Was with Target for almost a decade, grew up, moved away for them, and then left when I found something else I loved in a new city. Now I have more free time than I'd like to admit and it's been B O R I N G without my busy Q4s. Interviewing next week. :)
  11. JagStar

    Archived Greetings from the Trenches

    Longtime site lurker, reporting in. I've been with Spot for roughly 3 years (say it ain't so) between degrees. Residential Status: Guest Service TM/Front End Trainer.
  12. K

    Archived Hi, I'm me, and I'm new here, and my first post is about TMs, and even TLs, exposing butt cleavage.

    I suggested to several folks today that the phrase, "plumbers' crack," should be changed to Target crack. So many of my fellow TMs show ass crack on a regular basis. I said that someone (not a Target employee) could go around the store every few days for several weeks, and accumulate ass...
  13. F

    Archived Hey Yah

    Been a lurker for awhile now have posted a few just got promoted to a part time GSA which feels like full at this point lol
  14. M

    Archived What up?

    Nice to finally be on here. I was a seasonal hire for inbound that's sticking around. I enjoy interacting with a vast majority of my co-workers and find it to be really the thing that gets me through the day when I'm dealing with u-boat deadlines. So I figured, why not expand it to the threads?
  15. B

    Archived Hello 👋

    I’ve worked with tgt since 2015 lurked on here on and off decided to start being a bit more active. Hardlines for 6 months, Electronics for couple years and newly GSA as of Q4 2018
  16. Rhinse

    Archived Hello!

    Long time lurker, first time poster! I found the break room the night before my seasonal orientation and now I'm a full fledged, regular TM! The threads on orientation and what to expect really helped me out in the beginning, so I'm very thankful. Nice to meet all of you! (officially)
  17. ImRickGrimes

    Archived Hello from a flow TM

    Was able to get away from the unrealistic goal times to join this site. :D
  18. Rhyme

    Archived hello!

    i've been here for a lil while and i finally decided to join - love the tea. new non-seasonal; who knows how long i'll stay? nice to meet you all.