
  1. T

    Sales Floor *New Hire* How to reshop?

    Yesterday was my first day (I was hired as a closing expert) and I want to ensure I understand how to reshop. I scan the item, find where it should go, put it there, and...? Do I need to do anything on the zebra after? My training was mostly word vomit but I don't blame my trainer because he had...
  2. D

    Any Admins on here???

    Any DC Admins on the board? Our building has a posting, which interests me, but I’d like to feel out the overall workload and experiences of others before throwing my hat in the ring. I’ve got the experience from a previous job, so the technical side doesn’t phase me. But the current Admin...
  3. A

    Coming back to target- trying to get rehired

    Hello everyone, Last year, I was let go because I had three no shows. (long story). I was at the target the other day I worked at. Ran into a couple ex coworkers. One of them moved up the ranks. He asked me if I thought about coming back. I said was actually thinking about it myself due to...
  4. T

    Becoming an ODTM

    I’m moving out for college 3 weeks from today. I would love to have one week to pack and spend a little bit of time with my family without worrying about work. Does anyone know what the steps are I would need to take to become an ODTM?
  5. S

    My Referrals

    How long does it usually take for your referrals to hear back from HR with the hiring procedures?
  6. C

    *Potential* New Hire question

    I saw a previous thread, from October (I think it was) about this, but my anxiety still wants me to check. I received my job offer and passed my background check on June 5, with an Orientation date of June 20. On a job board I had a brief exchange with someone who was scheduled for an...
  7. B

    Open positions

    When we have an open position at my store it is very hush hush. Our HR will whisper to a TM of choice to come interview and it’s theirs. This is the 3rd time in a row. The TM’s chosen are NOT the most qualified. The TM’s chosen are the friends. I have spoken to SD but two days later he announced...
  8. P

    Employed? You're an "adult" now.

    If you have a job, you are now a contributing member of society and are responsible for maintaining that employment. If you can't be at work and you want to keep your job; pick up the phone and tell your place of business you will not be there. Don't wait. Don't think about it. Just...
  9. Bulletbait92

    Accepted a job offer. Now what?

    Hello all, I'm new here obviously. I recently accepted a job offer and completed the the pre employment screening tasks that were available on the candidate home page. I was told that the HR at my location would call me to schedule my first day/orientation. How long should I wait before I just...
  10. G

    Why would anyone work at this place?

    A couple of years back, I was between jobs and took a job at my local Target just to bring in some income while I was looking for a real job. I've never seen such a mess of an organization or a more abusive work environment. This place treats their employees like garbage. It's as though they...
  11. A

    Do you need a college degree to be an HR TL?

    I know you need one to be an HR ETL, but do you also need one to be the an HR TL?
  12. T1Operator

    Just need to get my foot in the door

    I worked at target for two years then had about two years off from the retail business before being hired as a seasonal TM at another store. During my time there I had two no call no shows on accident and I'm pretty sure it's why I wasn't kept on board as a regular TM but I'm just curious as to...
  13. C

    It's Been Two Weeks Since I Applied and I Have Not Heard Back. Should I Move On?

    I applied to Target two weeks ago via HireVue and I have yet to receive a confirmation or denial email. Two people I know who work at Target were hired either on the Spot or within Four hours of applying. I was a little worried my interview didn't appear good, but from what I've heard they're...
  14. T


    How long does it typically take to review applications? Do i get a call if I'm accepted or?
  15. simplymainer

    Has Target stopped hiring?

    Do other Target stores stopped hiring people? In my area, they do, and gave us full time schedule in each department, and no more part time. Is it because the business is in a slowest stage?
  16. M

    Manager said she would call me today at 3, but didn't?

    I already did the online interview. She told me she'd call me today. I asked her yesterday, "if you don't call, is it okay if I call you?" and she said "no, I'll call you, don't worry". She wanted to train me in the food area since that's where I have experience, but was happy when I said I am...
  17. A

    Re-applied to target & got rejected

    Hey guys, I have worked at target for about two years in 2017-2019 and just re-applied recently for beauty and style. Only 10 hours later, I received an email from HR saying that the hiring team has rejected me and I don’t understand why. When I worked at target prior, I was as a cashier for the...
  18. hufflepuff

    Home Depot?

    Hey, guys, I know I haven't been around in a while. Hopefully you're all doing well. I was wondering if anyone here has had experience with Home Depot compared to Spot? Specifically their Fulfillment team compared to OPU/SFS? Turns out my local one may be hiring for it.. and since I genuinely...
  19. P

    When does the job start to get sh#tty

    I've been recently hired to do fulfillment and GM but I'm honestly having so much fun doing so. It has been my third day and I have already closed opened, audited, pushed 1v1, organized a shelf to promote soon to be discontinued product. My leaders seem to be really chill and they have told me...
  20. S

    Target in the next 3-5 yrs

    This came up in another thread where we was talking about modernization and where they brought up former CEO Bob Ulrich and then that Target is moving in the direction of Walmart and may go out of business within the next 30 yrs. Bob Ulrich had to retire due to he reached 65 and I guess thats in...