
  1. B

    Archived Style POGs

    Y’all. I’m so confused. I think I was trained wrong about the POGs inside VMGs so I just need to get everything straight. 1. How do you know which product flow map to use? Just whichever one is closest to your store? (Direction of shopping lady and other fixtures) 2. If product was pushed to...
  2. C

    Archived How are you actually supposed to set a POG?

    How are you *actually* supposed to set a pog. How do I know what dividers/pegs to get? Do I take all the product down then push it back out?
  3. P

    Archived Breaking ties

    It's become apparent that some pogs (especially at the end of their set life) can not be untied through MyWork. Does anyone know how to break these ties?
  4. U

    Archived CRAZY capacities

    We have one peghook in seasonal that has a capacity of 1800. Really Target. Really? Why is there so much inefficiency concerning this. I can understand a few off. But when you have locations that say they'll hold 278 when it can.pnly hold 6, something is wrong. Instead of expecting every...
  5. B

    Archived Planorama Captain?!?

  6. P

    Archived Orange Tool Name????

    Does anyone know what that orange canoe clip remover tool is actually called? I'm the only person at my store that does signing and I've needed one forever but have know idea what it's called to order it. Please send help. My thumbs hurt so bad...
  7. S

    Archived Pre-tied transition dropping in autos

    So today my ETL had me pull seasonal autos. One of them ended up being all transition for next week and is not currently set. The other batch was half clearance (totally fine with this) and half transition, which again doesn't set until next week. Any idea why it did this? I had to move pallets...
  8. A

    Archived New method for revisions?

    I can't find a topic or discussion about it. How is anyone printing revisions right now with printing moving over to the devices? Is it impossible to not just print the entire pog?
  9. A

    Archived Planogram Colors Meaning

    What do the colors on various items on the POG indicate? Not the strip at the top, which usually indicates if the set is a Transition or a Revision, but the colors on the actual items in the image. Sometimes they're anything from red or yellow to cyan and purple. I assume some of them indicate...
  10. Amanda Cantwell

    Archived Reprint POG shelf price labels?

    Hi all How do I reprint all shelf labels in a POG, or even find a POG for that matter? Basically, I discovered our rotating battery thingy at front end has super old prices (front end teams-- check yours), and no one wants to fix. So how do I find the POG for that rotating thingy, and reprint...
  11. S

    Archived How to tie a shipper

    So I'm guessing a shipper is like a side cap or something that holds product to be sold in addition to the home location. If it isn't too difficult to explain on here, could someone tell me how to look up where one should go and how to tie it? I got a BTS one a couple days ago that I just...
  12. HLN13

    Archived What do I do with items with no upcoming POGs?

    As I’ve been LOCUing our aisles, I’ve found lots of items that are randomly back stocked, some discontinued and some not, that have absolutely no upcoming POGs and haven’t been pulled/sold for hundreds of days. Do I just leave them there? I thought I’d heard something about mySupporting the...
  13. U

    Archived Dropping a revision fill

    Did the Tea/cocoa revision yesterday. Made the mistake of dropping a fill for it. 2 new items dropped a 74 task fill on me. Fuck that shit. From now on, I'm not doing that. I'll just hit no and grab the items in exf. Sorry if it drops on your autos. But I can't take an hour to pull, push, and...
  14. S

    Archived Another paper reset?

    Does anyone know if there is going to be another paper reset or revision soon? The past couple days we've gotten several boxes of tissues with no floor location but pick label indicates it's in an upcoming ad.
  15. E

    Archived POGS in the shoe department

    Does anyone understand how to do POGS? specifically in the shoe departments
  16. U

    Archived Capacities nightmare

    Slick move Target. The capacities in the writing aisle are way off. But no fear, we aren't able to change most of them. So it's set, pull, backstock, and move on. Good luck fitting 55 packs of pencils there for the next 6 months.
  17. 6

    Archived Presentation TLs

    Any POG/Price TLs here make the ops model switch to another role?
  18. flowerpower

    Archived Plano/Pricing Help

    Modernization is kicking our ass at our store. We are scrambling to get team members cross trained. Since every TL is in charge of all their transitions and price changes for their departments can anyone give me any tips or point me in the direction of any guides? I’m mostly concerned about...
  19. A

    Archived Advice?

    So I’m the designated owner of Sporting Goods/Luggage/Automotive/ASOTV at my store and POG just finished up my transition. However I still have a flat of transition that was supposed to be set on the 10th and still doesn’t have a location (mainly lacrosse merchandise). I’m guessing it just needs...
  20. mizl

    Archived Beauty labels

    This can't be what labels are supposed to look like in Beauty. Right? It's so ugly. Is this right?? Is there something better I can replace it with?