
  1. S

    Are mangers and TL's required to provide sanitary items, like kleenex and hand sanitizer?

    I am a front end cashier and Ithink I was allergic to something that I checked out. I started coughing and my nose was running. I went in to the office part and a manager or TL ( I'm not sure of his position, but a front end lead) refused to get me kleenex. I felt disrespected and had to get...
  2. Dream Baby

    What happens to hours if someone calls off?

    So someone in my department called off yesterday (for today) but apparently they didn't bother to schedule a replacement or even ask me to come in a little earlier. Where do those unused hours go?
  3. J

    Store calling me while I am sick

    I was not feeling well and called in sick using the app (this was on a Sunday). ETL-HR called me, and left a voicemail saying they are calling to see if everything was ok (obviously not, if I called in) and asking me to call them back and they "look forward to talking with me soon". I found this...
  4. M

    Can you get written up for being sick

    So recently I have a cold. Did covid test at home but it was negative. So I called off for 2 days. I also communicated to my leaders everyday to update how I feel. He told me to rest because I can barely talk. I was coughing a lot that make my whole body sore. The next day was my day off, Thank...
  5. Reshop Ninja

    Using sick time

    Does anyone know how to use sick time on the MyTime app? I missed work today and have been trying to figure out how to use my sick pay.
  6. T

    Sick hours

    Do sick hours carry over into the next year?
  7. L

    Benefits Sick hours

    Ok team. According to HR at my store, we are only allowed to use 40 hrs of sick time throughout the year. My question is if this is so why am I tapped out of my 40hrs but at 60+ hours and still accumulating? All my Hr is saying is that my hours will roll over no further explanation.
  8. StargazerOmega

    COVID ?

    So, I tested positive for COVID today. I've notified my store already. I don't have to call the store each day do I? Just wait out the 5 days and come back if I test negative?
  9. N


    I think I got Covid how is Target handling Covid now is it accountable time
  10. S

    Does your store do vaccinations by the family restroom?

    It is like this at my store. There is a table by the family restroom and that is where people get their shots. I have left the family restroom various times in the middle of someone getting a shot.
  11. Yetive

    Sick pay

    Starting in July, team members averaging 20 hours will start accruing sick time up to 40 hours. If your state already has sick time, you will stick with your state's program.
  12. C

    Can i get fired for calling out for having Norovirus?

    Just curious, I got sent home yesterday cause i threw up, i ended up going to the ER for dehydration and they told me i have Norovirus, I got a doctors note but it said i’d be returning today but i’m still having major symptoms, Tmi i literally shit my pants running to the bathroom to puke, Just...
  13. G

    Target attendance petition

    I wanted to know who would be down to petition to target to accept doctor excuses and excuse an absence things happen to people and it’s not they’re fault I don’t think they should be accountable and be on the verge of loosing they’re job because they’re sick
  14. Reshop Ninja

    Covid leave

    Does anyone know the way to set up a leave of absence for Covid on the new pay and benefits website? I've spent the last several minutes trying to find a link to where I need to go but all I'm finding are articles about what benefits Target offers. I can't get through to my store's hr rep, so...
  15. W

    Covid policy

    So looks like I have finally caught covid, woke up felling terrible and did 2 at home tests which were both positive. I contacted CirrusMD because its free to ask if I should get the antiviral and he said no since im boosted and emailed me a note to stay out of work the next 5 days. I called...
  16. cat cat

    I finally had the talk with my etl

    the day i came back from covid leave, my etl finally called me to the leads' offices and informed me that he will be letting me go and not offering an on demand position. the next seasonal period that they'll be hiring for is june since school will be out. idk if i'll want to come back to target...
  17. cat cat

    Can we get paid for getting the vaccine?

    this email has confused me because I am new and started in november. nothing covid related happened until i got covid about a week ago. i want to get another dose + a flu shot to protect other people. i currently have 3 covid doses and the last one was a year ago i have some questions and i...
  18. I

    Covid pay?

    Hello, so I tested positive for Covid yesterday after missing the day and was wondering if I will get paid for Christmas Day and that day? I was also scheduled OT for the 2 days after and am wondering if I’ll be paid for those?
  19. C

    Sick of working here.

    I cannot deny that Targets co-workers, team leaders, employers, and even managers are nice, and friendly, but when it comes to health and safety, and safe working environment they have not showed any respect towards that. I heard a lot of rumors who how Targets employers like terminating workers...
  20. D

    COVID Texts

    Why is Target still sending out COVID texts? They have taken away all the COVID leaves unless you provide positive clinic results. They have gone back to old attendance rules, OM hounding people about missed work. So why keep sending them?