
  1. Dream Baby

    In Store COVID Testing

    Does your store offer in-store testing or take-home tests? Our in-store pharmacy does not and haven't heard whether I can get a FREE take-home test.
  2. N

    Returning from Covid LOA

    Hello everyone. Does anyone know how long it takes after a Covid LOA ends for my myTime to work. I am unable to see my schedule and it’s been a couple days. I am back to work only because of getting called from my store.I was just wondering how long it has been taking everyone else coming back...
  3. D

    Confirmed Case Pay

    Quote from TP&benefits Is this average hours or scheduled? I'll be disappointed if it is scheduled because hours got cut.
  4. F

    Which Covid leave do I need?

    My HR initiated Emergency Leave 1 for my ongoing COVID-19 case, however, upon reading terms on the Pay & Benefits website, Emergency Leave 1 is for close contact and Emergency Leave 2 is for someone who personally tests positive. Should I set up an Emergency Leave 2 for myself, instead, or just...
  5. B

    Working while Covid Positive

    So I read on a FB group that said that TMs who are asymptomatic but test positive are still expected to go to work. Is this accurate?
  6. B

    COVID-19 Are all Target stores notifying employees of Covid cases?

    Our store has not been notifying anyone when a co-worker tests positive for Covid. Does Target have a policy about doing this, or is up to each store?
  7. J

    Do I qualify for covid leave pay?

    Today I called out to take a test because I’ve been feeling sick, I make 6 months working on January 6th. Do I qualify for the covid pay benefit?
  8. I

    COVID-19 Is there a policy I can read somewhere about COVID callouts?

    I am currently having potential covid (but also maybe a cold!) symptoms and want to get tested. I spoke to store leadership and was told basically if you are symptomatic and vaccinated they still want you to work unless you have a positive test. If you are non-vaccinated with symptoms they want...
  9. D

    Current Covid policy

    I’ve had Covid symptoms since 12-12 ( cough, runny nose, loss of smell and taste) I’ve had vacation so I haven’t worked at all since then. Yesterday (12-17) I went and got tested and it was negative. Should I tell Target that I got tested or no? I’m not getting any better and I’ll probably still...
  10. I

    Sick pay

    My store is in an area where they just passed a law that we have to be offered sick pay. Basically I accrue a week a year. I have never had to deal with this before so I have a few questions. Also it'd be beneficial to add that I have called off sick less than 10 times in 15 years. Can I...
  11. Florida Dawg

    Vaccination Status and mandate

    Hey guys, Just wondering if y’all heard anything about a employee vaccine mandate for Target? I live in Florida and I know they have certain government laws about vaccine mandates but I was wondering if y'all heard if it was gonna happen for this company and what’s the deal for unvaccinated people?
  12. T

    LOA pay?

    Hey! I took a covid test, did the pay and benefits stuff, and got a week LOA. I was wondering when do I get paid for it? Will it be next payday? Or does it have some special date or something? Thanks!
  13. R

    Does your store enforce State Mask Mandate

    I live in state (Illinois) that has an indoor mask mandate for businesses. My store has enforced the mandate until just recently, and has stopped asking customers to put on a mask upon entering. Are there any other stores who are no longer enforcing their State or City mandate?
  14. J

    TM Vaccine status?

    Now it’s available (but not required) to upload your vaccine status on workday, do you think target will eventually mandate its employees to get the vaccine?
  15. P

    Covid Vaccine Missed Work Paid Time?

    I can’t seem to find info on this... I got my vaccine and missed work for 2 days due to massive side effect symptoms. Does Target pay for that missed time? Can I use the Covid pay for that? Thanks.
  16. M

    Vaccine Mandate update?

    Any official word on vaccine mandate by January 4th (per Biden’s plan)? Because a court has challenged the mandate and has frozen the mandate, does that mean we all have to get vaccinated before Jan 4th? Please share.
  17. TechNix

    Benefits Sick Time?

    Howdy - I was wondering why the system (well my paystub) would show me of accruing sick time, for my first check during this round of working at Target? In reading the policies, it says it should be after 6 months and then is based on hours. It also shows Emergency Time Off, but I believe that...
  18. S

    Do you think Target will require tm’s to get vaccinated?

    With a lot of companies requiring their employees to get vaccinated, do you think Target will follow suit? I know sometimes Target like to wait to see what other retailers do before they react. My answer is yes but it probably won’t happen until sometime next year. They will give everyone a...
  19. D

    Is there a COVID leave cap?

    Does anyone know how many exposed\symptomatic COVID leaves one can take? I swear the same 3-4 people on my team are gone once a month, every month, no questions asked. And these leaves always seem to coincide with when the vacation calendar is full. Does target not require medical docs? Or...
  20. 1


    If a team member tells me they think they have COVID and they are experiencing symptoms am I required to tell them to go home ?