
  1. Prodil

    I'm Lost! E-Filing (Control Number Box)

    Hi! So, I'm filing my taxes for the first time :D through Turbotax but my Target W-2 it just says N for the control number and its asking for more characters. If I won't able to fix it or add something else it tells me I'll have to send my taxes through the actual mail and not through E-filing...
  2. J

    w2 questions???

    does anyone know when they will mail out w2's to past employees? I am unable to access it online.
  3. O

    Trouble accessing w2 for 2019

    When trying to access my w2's it says it will be available on 2/4/20, Is anyone else getting this message?
  4. O

    W2 2019 saying its not available...

    On workday and paperless employee link its saying my W2 for 2019 is not available until 2/4/20, is anyone else having this problem? My other w2's were here before this time last year.
  5. A

    W2 option to send

    I went to view my W2 today at work and had no problem doing so, but I didn't have (or couldn't find) the option to send to H&R block. Am I missing something or did they do away with that option?
  6. reverselogistics


    When will the W2’s be available online and what is the email address?
  7. Y

    W2 showing but....

    It says it won’t be available for download until 02/4/20. Is this some kind of error? It doesn’t usually do this
  8. C

    Jus wonderin

    Will we get our 2019 w2 on January 10th or the 11th?
  9. X

    Archived W2-C

    Does anybody here know how to file a W2-C? I called HROC and they sent me to Workday but there isn't anything there to submit a W2-C.
  10. Irinia19

    Paperless W2

    Got the email saying my Paperless W2 is ready, followed the link....says I'm not allowed to create an account at this time. What's up? Am I the only one?
  11. B

    Archived Paperless employee problems!

    So I’m trying to get my year end statement and it says I have to pay $10 does anyone else have this issue? Why do I have to pay to get my own info? Do you think my store could give me my year end statement for free?
  12. Pinballmaster

    Archived W2's?

    How and when do we get our paper W2's?
  13. N

    Archived W-2

    Can a past employee get a W-2 online????
  14. K

    Archived Looking for my State EIN

    Hello! I am a former team member at target. Target ended up not working out for me so I left in August. I did not know I needed to sign up for a digital delivery before I left so I am being mailed a W2 but am trying to submit my taxes asap. Does anyone has the target state EIN for Georgia? I...
  15. Britney

    Archived W2's

    That time of year ya'lllllllll when are W2's being released? I think I've signed up for paperless employees through Workday, not sure what to look for if it's already there. I know with the government problems it will take time for returns to come, butttttt I'd like to get them done asap!
  16. N

    Archived W-2/Tax Forms Help

    I might as well bring this back from the dead sine it's close to the new years. I had left Target since June, and I would like to know if me leaving Target for a several months, will I get my Taxes returned? Target was my first job ever, and I don't want to have no trouble of IRS. So I would to...
  17. B

    Archived W2

    So I moved to a different state and started working at a different Target in the new state. My taxes are still being taken out of the old state although I have changed my address as well as filled out my w2 again. What do I do so that taxes are taken out of the correct state? How do I even file...
  18. F

    Archived Would HR be able to provide old w-2s by mail or email?

    I'm looking for just the last year and don't really want to go through the IRS. Does Target send copies on request?
  19. D

    Archived Question about w2.

    I was wondering how I'll receive my w2 since I'm no with target. I was signed up paperless for years so will I still be under that it will I get it in the mail?
  20. iCashier

    Archived W-2s?

    When do W-2s come out and how do I get mine online from paperless employee? Btw this is my first job and my first W-2 so I really have no idea how it works.