Archived 10 pm closing XMAS EVE.

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We close at 10 pm. I don't think Santa comes til you're asleep anyway, so I'm okay with it.
Santa doesn't
Holy crap.
Welp, more incentive for me to volunteer (I'm probably one of the few employees who don't celebrate christmas).
There is a Flow Team Member at my store who is Muslim. During his break he takes his carpet out of his locker and prays to Allah in the breakroom.
And the sad part is about that Flow Team member...the STL was trying to find a way to write him up because other team members didn't feel right with the "allahu akbar" chanting. I personally don't mind him doing it, hes on his break who cares.
Who cares? If you're not by hurting anyone, why not? Back to the closing time for Christmas Eve, is there a website that has a list of the closing times of stores in general for Christmas Eve? I bet Target is one of latest closings for Christmas Eve. Wendy's is closing at 6pm. And another thing, why is Target closing at 9pm on NYE yet closes at 10pm on Christmas Eve? Christmas Eve > New Year's Eve.
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