
Sep 2, 2021
Called in and get told my next shift they are going to talk to me about my liability?? I only call out when me or my son is sick like what the hell
How often are you two sick? Is there anyone else who can watch him when he is sick? Lots of stores are cracking down on attendance. When you call out, it makes it harder for everyone else.
I know inventory is next month maybe that's why but I called out this week 2 times one day he had a high fever and throwing up and Today I was the same way and told them this too
Definitely understand that kids get sick and I personally wouldn't want to be working around a sick co-worker. But every employer has expectations that employees will show up for work. If one employee calls off a lot, maybe that's an indication that they need some adjustments to their availability - like if there's a family member or friend who would be available to look after a sick child during certain times of day. Or, depending on what the illness is, maybe a LOA is needed until things settle down. Your co-workers as well as your TL rely on you to be there. When you're not, others have to pick up the slack.
Should I just tell them I only call out when me or him are sick I am a single mother
If your son is sick, try to have a back up plan. You can use bright horizon which is a back up child care option or I know in my state they have nurse sitters. If your sick then only stay home if you absolutely can't do work all day. I called out 4 times in 4 years. I went to work with a cold, strep, stitches and a tooth infection. I can't imagine that's good financially either. If you start to miss a bunch of work you start to become unreliable. They will start to performance you out.. my other suggestions is to make up hours you lose.. " Hey since I missed yesterday, can I work on my day off?" This looks like your trying and you won't lose $$$
So it's going to be a talking with me and a team lead tho it's not like they going to be like your fired
So it's going to be a talking with me and a team lead tho it's not like they going to be like your fired
Yes they have to have 3 documented conversations before you get written up. I highly suggest back up care and offer to make up hours. Otherwise you need to think about getting another job.
Ok im just worried they going to be like we have to let you go and I'm looking into back up child care right now
It doesn't sound like it's going to be a big deal. I would not want to leave my vomiting child with somebody else. I don't even know that anybody would volunteer to take them. If you only called out the two times, you're probably good. They'll probably tell you not to make it a habit.
I have to disagree with NKG - if you are sick, stay home, at least if it is something contagious. I'd like to think we as a society learned something these last two years.
If your running a fever 🤒 absolutely stay home but if your calling out for everything little thing you need to decide
This isn't the first time I have called out i don't know how many times but it's mostly for my son when he gets really sick with fevers and up all night crying and throwing up that's when I call out but I recently called out 2 times this week and I think that's what might of bed a red flag to them but like I said if I didn't have a fever I would of went in if it's a fever or throwing up or if I'm running to the bathroom I'm usually there working but hopefully its just a talking to like all of ypu guys have said and not me getting fired..
If your running a fever 🤒 absolutely stay home but if your calling out for everything little thing you need to decide
There's lots of infections that are contagious that don't have a fever. I would be pissed as all hell if I got strep throat from you.

As far as the rest, what is better? Extra doctor visits, slower healing, risk of making things worse vs. taking a couple of days to heal. For the employer, a person there but at 50% capacity for a week vs gone for a day or maybe two and then 100% for the rest of the time.
If your son is sick, try to have a back up plan. You can use bright horizon which is a back up child care option or I know in my state they have nurse sitters. If your sick then only stay home if you absolutely can't do work all day. I called out 4 times in 4 years. I went to work with a cold, strep, stitches and a tooth infection. I can't imagine that's good financially either. If you start to miss a bunch of work you start to become unreliable. They will start to performance you out.. my other suggestions is to make up hours you lose.. " Hey since I missed yesterday, can I work on my day off?" This looks like your trying and you won't lose $$$

This isn't the first time I have called out i don't know how many times but it's mostly for my son when he gets really sick with fevers and up all night crying and throwing up that's when I call out but I recently called out 2 times this week and I think that's what might of bed a red flag to them but like I said if I didn't have a fever I would of went in if it's a fever or throwing up or if I'm running to the bathroom I'm usually there working but hopefully its just a talking to like all of ypu guys have said and not me getting fired..

First - take it from from someone who missed a good portion of his child's first year. Take care of your child and yourself. Be there when they are sick. Finances are important but so is your family. Weigh those things and make the right decision for yourself and your family.

Second - going to work when you are unwell or when your child is unwell is not a trophy. No job cares about your well being and having one person miss a shift or two because they or their child are sick is ridiculous. Multiple habitual call outs is one thing, a few every few months? Who gives a shit.

I really hate to pull the curtain away, but even in the good ole USA, most places are not like this. Most places outside of retail if you need a day off...you just... take off.
There's lots of infections that are contagious that don't have a fever. I would be pissed as all hell if I got strep throat from you.

As far as the rest, what is better? Extra doctor visits, slower healing, risk of making things worse vs. taking a couple of days to heal. For the employer, a person there but at 50% capacity for a week vs gone for a day or maybe two and then 100% for the rest of the time.
I'm not gonna miss work unless I'm physically unable to go to work. I even went to work for a full day before I found out I had COVID 4 days later. I had no fever and tons of energy. Then sat at home for 10 days- thankfully paid by my state otherwise I'd be screwed financially because i have to use pto or unpaid. So again unless I'm unable to get dress I'm going to work otherwise my employer needs to send me home.

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