Archived 45 not allowed in target cafe

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What is this... I don't even...

LOL. 35 and 45 seem to be getting used interchangeably. No clue where the 1 hour is coming from. Target does 30 minute unpaid lunches every 5 or 6 hours (dependent upon the state.) Ta da. Easy as that. I'm not picking on you Southern, I'm just making some corrections to misinformation you may be seeing online.
LOL. 35 and 45 seem to be getting used interchangeably. No clue where the 1 hour is coming from. Target does 30 minute unpaid lunches every 5 or 6 hours (dependent upon the state.) Ta da. Easy as that. I'm not picking on you Southern, I'm just making some corrections to misinformation you may be seeing online.

What is there to correct?

What I've seen online is the state of Tennessee requires a 30 minute lunch.

My own PERSONAL experience is stores tend to give an hour lunch.

My GUESS would be, they are doing that because they want to make sure they are in compliance and they may have stores in other states that have a different requirement and so they are following the KISS principle.

Likewise, the state LAW is you have to take a lunch at the six hour mark.

I've however worked for more than one store than had a policy of an hour lunch after five hours and I've PERSONALLY copped written reprimands, both for not taking a lunch myself and for not giving someone else a lunch.

Don't tell me this is "misinformation" I've seen online.

It is my own personal experience, as a cashier, as a stock clerk and as low level manager.
We were asked not to just for the simple fact that guests used to complain about team members sitting around while the check lanes would back up. They didn't care that they were off the clock, they just saw them sitting around doing nothing.
Thats when you wear something over the red or take off your red shirt (assuming you have something underneath it of course)
Some customers are morons.

That's not a legitimate reason to tell your people they can't go take their break in a food service area.

One time, I actually wasn't on break, I was on the clock, I was working the deli front, which wasn't even my job, I was just doing it for a couple of weeks because they were short of help.

Anyway, I was standing out in the dining area, which was at the most 20 feet from the deli, talking to a friend of mine who was on her break, while keeping an eye out for any customers.

This shriveled up old hag came up to the deli, walked the length of the deli and kept on going.

That wasn't unusual at all.

We had multiple self serve coolers plus some people would just walk by looking to see what we had to offer.

Well, the hag then went and complained.

In her version of events, she stood there and stood there but couldn't get anybody to help her and I wouldn't help her because I was talking to some "sweet young thing."

That's an exact quote, at least as it was relayed to me by the manager she complained to.

One, she could have said something to me or just gestured to me and I would have helped her.

Two, the "sweet young thing" I was talking to was about 45.

Three, as I said, customers are morons. That's not a reason to tell team members they can't take their breaks in an area where customers are allowed to eat and drink.
Under 18 in my state, you get 45 min break. The p-fresh get 30 min lunch off the clock, then take their paid 15 min. So that, they can do the food Order faster.
First, whats the reason for a 45 minute break...

For the FA issue.
Its not a company policy. It is usually instituted by the store itself, and yes it is perception. I know at my old store it was common for some TMs to take their lunches at FA as long as there was enough sitting for guests to use. Then there was an incident where a group of Flow TMs were eating at FA, and a guest complained she couldn't find a TM on the floor. Then pointed to the group at FA.

The aftermath ended up being that ETLs decided to ask TMs to wear other shirts or jackets that way they couldn't be identified as TMs if they were going to eat there. Then soon asked TMs to completely stop eating at FA deeming that area is designated just for guests during the start of the CIHYFS years.
Well, if it isn't company policy then I don't see how an individual store can actually enforce it.

As far as the customers go, if someone complains then it should be explained to them, politely and respectfully that those team members who are just sitting around are on break/lunch.

No doubt the customer complaining takes breaks and lunches at their job.
Remember its Target...the high and mighty guests always get their way.
As far as the customers go, if someone complains then it should be explained to them, politely and respectfully that those team members who are just sitting around are on break/lunch.

Yeh, that works just as effectively as telling a guest "Sorry, I'm off the clock."

If TMs would do their part to keep it picked up & leadership equipped it to make it a decent place to take your break, they wouldn't want to be around a guest-filled area. Our store does a breakroom quasi-makeover ever so often but, after a few months, it reverts to a trash-filled dump. One day, I was fed up enough to clean it up after I'd finished my lunch. Later, I was coached for "working off the clock".
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Well, I've no idea what the breakrooms at your store are like.

Over the years and in the course of different jobs, I've taken breaks/lunches in areas where customers were also eating, in the breakroom, outside, at a fastfood place, sitting in a cooler because the AC was out and I was hot and in one instance, at a bar with the lead assistant manager.

Us coming back to work, after we'd been drinking, is the only one that I can see how it was any of the store's business and that one, nobody ever knew about.
Our breakroom is filled with Target posters, Target Red magazine, Target health and wellness info, don't even get me started on the table talkers. If I want to take my lunch without interruption and without thinking about Target it is not going to happen in that room. The TV is blaring, walkies are on and loud. I prefer quiet and peaceful to recharge my battery. The potlucks are just plain gross. I have watched people shove their hands in bags of chips one right after another. It makes me gag. I would be willing to bet that soap has never touched most of those hands. It is not my job to clean the breakroom when I am off the clock. I will and do pick up after myself. There is no way I am spending my time off the clock to clean up after some of the slobs that work in my store, including ETLs. As I said earlier I have every right when I am not on the clock, to eat in Stbx or Food Cafe as a paying guest
ISTM the stores ST has worked at might be combining all the breaks into 1. I worked for a company many, many moons ago that did that...if we worked <5 hours, we got a 15 minute break; >5, 1 hour lunch, but no breaks (other than quick bathroom breaks). We didn't have to clock out, though, and were also allowed to split it up into 2-15s & a 30 if we wanted to as long as we let management know (it was an office setting), which is what most of us did unless we went out for lunch.
Then again, I could be wrong 😉
At our store, we aren't allowed to take our breaks in FA/SBX, either, but the breakroom is clean and there's a TV, not to mention, I've Been asked by guests if their prescriptions are ready while I've been waiting in line at SBX, so I'd rather be "out of sight" anyway 😉
ISTM the stores ST has worked at might be combining all the breaks into 1. I worked for a company many, many moons ago that did that...if we worked <5 hours, we got a 15 minute break; >5, 1 hour lunch, but no breaks (other than quick bathroom breaks). We didn't have to clock out, though, and were also allowed to split it up into 2-15s & a 30 if we wanted to as long as we let management know (it was an office setting), which is what most of us did unless we went out for lunch.
Then again, I could be wrong 😉

No, the last store I worked at that had structured breaks, it was a paid 15 minute somewhere around the 2 hour mark, an unpaid hour somewhere around the 5 hour mark and then another paid 15 minute 2-3 hours later.

If for some reason you happened to work a double shift than there was supposed to be another hour lunch.

They were a bit flexible on breaks but the hour lunch thing was mandatory and pretty strictly enforced.
We're not allowed to take our breaks in Food Ave or Starbucks either. I usually take mine in my car unless the breakroom is empty.
It's all about perception. When I worked in McDonald's we weren't allowed to eat in the dining room unless we put a jacket on over our work outfit. Customers will get the perception that you are on the clock no matter what. I think if you covered up your shirt and name tag they wouldn't say anything at all but they could also be jerks about it.

Pardon the fact im using food ave..

I was told that I am no longer allowed to eat at food ave on my 45 break. Which I find messed up..
I've worked for target for 5the years and in 2the stores and have never heard anything like this.. so I was wondering if this is for anyone else as well.
Figured id update the post..

I cleared it up with my ETL HR.. she said my ETL never said that we couldn't eat in Food Ave on our unpaid 45 meals. So I guess our GSTL made it up..
It's all about perception. When I worked in McDonald's we weren't allowed to eat in the dining room unless we put a jacket on over our work outfit. Customers will get the perception that you are on the clock no matter what. I think if you covered up your shirt and name tag they wouldn't say anything at all but they could also be jerks about it.

And this is target not McDonald's.. plus I see McDonald's employees on break all the time in their uniform.. guess each franchise is different plus different state rules.
I want a 45 minute lunch. I don't care where I have to take it. What states get a 45?

New York State

OT: my ETLs have their status meetings at food ave, ETLs buy their TLs coffee at Starbucks. 30% of TMs at my store spend their break at Food Ave. It depends on the store.
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