Archived 718

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Also, my store is part of a test market where, with LOD approval, we are now allowed to use the emergency override code to make things right for the guest instead of haggling with 718. It makes me a bit nervous to use it, and I generally call the LOD over the walkie before I do it, but it has made some moments happen that 718 would have never approved.

I'm pretty envious. I've tries using the emergency override code before and it's never worked for me.

I hated having to use it to take back Halloween stuff after 10/31, but did so under my gstl's instructions. But I did like being able to use it to take back an iPad on a gift receipt after the 30 days. The iPad had never been opened, the guy said he got it as a gift, and already had one. The gift receipt says nothing about a 30 day return policy on those things (just mentions the generic 90 day policy) and it didn't cost us anything since he got the money back on a gift card.

I have another story that we used it for to get around 718's lack of help. But it is probably one that got flagged as a "what the heck are you people doing?" moment that someone from corporate will probably call the store about (I had my gstl's backing when I did this one). As that one is pretty specific, I won't share it. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to make things right for the guest (especially when they are being so nice about the request that seems rather reasonable).
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