Archived A-AAA level stores?

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Jul 1, 2018
Hi guys:

How many % of target stores are roughly A-AAA level? what about % of ULV? which locations tend to do better?
Hi guys, is there anywhere we can find how many % stores are at each level? What’s your sense of the distribution? By doing better, I meant which location or demographic characteristics tend to allow a store to have better sales , like is Midwest better tha south? City better than suburbs?
Hi guys, is there anywhere we can find how many % stores are at each level? What’s your sense of the distribution? By doing better, I meant which location or demographic characteristics tend to allow a store to have better sales , like is Midwest better tha south? City better than suburbs?

Why not email or call corporate and ask?

What exactly is your angle here?
I guess you could measure "doing better" by profitability (sales - expenses). I would think they try to make most stores A level and above, because making more sales =making more money.
I dunno, as a data nerd, I think those are interesting questions. By "doing better" I would assume that's profitability. Obviously a AAA store would have higher total sales than a ULV store, but balanced against shrink, payroll, basket size, and whatever other metrics Spot might use to determine store health, a ULV store might be considered healthier than a larger store.

Not sure what newhope's angle is, but it sounds kinda like someone doing research for a college or business school project. I guess he could be a deep state Walmart corporate employee or something, but I'm not sure if that info provides much competitive intel.
Not sure what newhope's angle is, but it sounds kinda like someone doing research for a college or business school project. I guess he could be a deep state Walmart corporate employee or something, but I'm not sure if that info provides much competitive intel.

I think you hit the nail on the head with that assumption. He posted another thread about wanting to be an STL so either in school or mining info for something else. Even if he worked at Wally World he wouldn’t be asking this because both have plenty of dirt on each other after 30+ years of competition.
Honestly this question seems fairly innocent to me. It's actually something I've wondered before... but more specifically in terms of people who post on The Breakroom... If a bunch of people comment that a process runs a certain way at their store, are most of those people working in similar volume stores? If my store does it differently, is it because we're smaller/bigger than those posters' stores, or are we just weird?

For example, a thread popped up in the last few days discussing the backroom being left a mess by closers, but it quickly brought up questions about backroom staffing (something that can correlate directly to store size). If the poll on that thread shows (hypothetically) that only 10% of voters have similarly messy backrooms, is it because most Breakroom-ers work at bigger stores? If we polled just LV and ULV stores, (which are unlikely to have a receiver and/or backroom TM stay all the way til close), would a lot more people report their stores have this problem?

Same thing with the thread about "How many people recently quit at your store"... JaneDoe says her store just lost 7 people... is her store huge, or is it going through a staffing crisis? ... To be fair though, like @IWishIKnew said, I'm a data nerd too. 😀
On workbench, go store fact sheet to find out your store size.
The TBR wiki:
Store Volume

Volume classifications are based on yearly sales, and go as such.

  • AAA+ $85M and above
  • AAA $77.3 - $85
  • AA+ $69.5 - $77.3
  • AA $60.5 - $69.5
  • A+ $51.5 - $60.5
  • A $42 - $51.5
  • B $32.5 - $42
  • C $23 - $32.5
  • D $23 or less
ULV is an acronym meaning ultra-low volume and is typically used in reference to D and C volume stores.
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